diana_sedko's Blog


Feedback for the contest

  1. What has been your experience with Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
  2. What should be improved in the Miss Dukascopy 2013 contest?
  3. Will you participate in the Miss Dukascopy 2014? Why?
1. I allready had experience in some contests, but this one was a bit different. Realy need to think about some interesting questions, make some pictures, videos.
2. I think this contest is not fair, because some was registred from the beginning, but some 3 days ago. How its possible for girl to win if she found this contes…
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One day in photographs

Very importaint to have greeeeeeeat breakfast.. May be not so healthy, but very tasty.
At work.
My super uniform
Preparing to go home.
Fast dinner.
Waterpipe with friends in evening.
Time for my lovely pets.
Hair style for next day. And after going to sleep.
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Influential Women

I will choose Gisele Bündchen.
I was thinking a lot who to choose, but decided to choose female that is not only smart, interesting and inteligent, but also very beautiful. Some times to keep good look after 30 is not so easy. But she did perfect!
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Love or money

When I staretd to write this blog, I was thinking that I will tell MONEY. But very fast I changed my mind. I cant live with out love. If my heart is not singing love song, I have no power to work, to make some activities. Love is the best food for my body. Its possible to buy sex, but not love. Love makes people to be together. Together - stronger. And together is possible to rech a lot in life.
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Who's the comedian?

The idea was to make Phoenix for contest, but as result I was looking like yellow chicken.
I think i was looking funny.
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My biggest achievements.

First of all my biggest hobby is dance. I started to go in for dance when I was 15. I was going in the most popular and biggest dance school in Riga - "Dance of street". After year of trainings I got place in the best dance group in our school, but after one more year I was going to Street Dance World Championship in Germany - Bremen. It was the biggest opportunity in my dancing career.
Another one stuff that Im proud is my hair-stylist diplomas. It was not so to get 5 local diplomas and 5 intre…
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Networking at Business events or meetings

Here is my tips to break the ice
1. First of all, you have to look good and shine like a diamond. Because first impression is very importaint.
2. You have to be comunicative. Talk to people but dont be too obsessive.
3. Politeness is very importaint. It is a key to success.
4. It is important to have a good sense of humor, to smile by bringing good atmosphere.
5. Be prepared to have dialogue about many themes. Show that you are not only beautiful, but also smart.
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My talent.

I think I have hair-stylist talent.
Presenting video of one of my works.
All flowers on head and face was hand made by me and dress too. Thanq to my partner - make up artist Jelena and to model - Christina.
Here is video:
(press "Read full story" to see)
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 21 Oct.

Диана а есть ещё видео с вашими моделями?

diana_sedko avatar

да есть =)

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1. First of all every morning try to get up very early. Even if you can not, and probably do not want. I belive that people who used to go to bed and get up early - live longer.
2. Secondly - have a healthy good breakfast. Eating breakfast, we get energy for the day.
3. Before the meal, you should drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. This will not only improve your digestion, but also health.
4. Try to smile as much as possible. Even to strangers. It will make your own mood better.
5. Go…
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What does entrepreneur mean to you?

Being an entrepreneur is all about spotting opportunities and knowing which ones to go for, how to secure them and how to maximise them. The biggest trick is then to surround yourself with talented people and incentivise them to come on the journey with you.
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Nadin5794 avatar

если это лично от себя то +100

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