JuliaBF's Blog


Attention! No More Starving Suffering At Night!!

I have a mood today to talk about food))) LOL
Fortunately, I am here only with useful tips! You know there are not a lot of people in the world can afford their self to eat at night. I mean late night.
Most of us are trying to control food consumption in order not to gain weight and avoid bloating in belly in the morning which you can feel if you ate and went to sleep straight away. But what to do if you really starving at 1am and can't even sleep?? Or you have t
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maximemc8 avatar

of course half avocado before to sleep ! i love it !!! give me a piece of ham with cheese between two toast ahahahah :p

anna_t avatar
anna_t 7 Apr.

класс класс, фруктики)

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Alleluia!!! Stress?? No problem!

Hello Community!
Today is Monday and, as for me, it is the perfect time to talk about stress! LOL
I have some good news about that. Do you know that there are two types of human behavior in stress? One -who are so stressed that not able to eat at all and second -who are like "vacuum machine "start to eat everything even without understanding what it is!))) So, despite on the type you belong to, there is already solution found out! Anyway you oblige to switch on brains in any situation so, please
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maximemc8 avatar

usefull ! tahnk you JuliaBF

anna_t avatar
anna_t 7 Apr.

когда у меня стресс, то кусок в горло не лезет.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 7 Apr.

anna_t счастливый ты человек. Я веду себя в зависимости от степени стресса. Иногда я вообще ничего не ем, а иногда жру все и даже не замечаю(((( Вот для этих случаев, я нашла эту инфо и теперь хоть без ущерба для тела буду есть)))) LOL

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Useful Properties Of Fats

Hello Community!
In this blog I would like to tell you about useful properties of fats as still lots of people consider that all fats makes you gain weight. However, I believe that people who are trying to keep healthy way of life knows that all fats divided on three groups: useful fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids, bad fats and trans fats. Of course I will talk about first group which is coming from avocado, nuts, salmon, tuna,oils, etc. For you to know, the worst is trans fats which
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maximemc8 avatar

very interesting, im not sure that ive used only usefull fat in my life ahahahah :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Mar.

as everybody LOL

maximemc8 avatar

:) we understand each other !

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The Most Common Mistakes Of Healthy Eating

Good Afternoon Community!
How are you doing today? Hope your Tuesday is going very well :up )))
Today I would like to continue the topic about healthy eating and talk about the most common mistakes which people are doing concerning the food consumption. I want to you to pay attention on those things as most of people don't even notice what they are doing and after they complain about bad metabolism and stuff.
So lets start from the very beginning:
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Mar.

Of course maximemc8! You don't need to be ready for the beach season))))

maximemc8 avatar

i need but im afraid my office space will be my beach area for this summer.....so i still have one winter season to get back in shape ahahah :p

maximemc8 avatar

in fact since few years im saying that i think......

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Mar.

work work work! You are real workaholic maximemc8!

maximemc8 avatar

i need to make my GF happy and build family, so im working for that......

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Ideal Breakfast

Dear Friends in continuation to the topic about healthy breakfast I would like to show you the options for ideal beginning of your day. So there are four options:
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verindur avatar
verindur 3 Mar.

Crazy girl. You made so many people hungary : )))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Mar.

Ура! Спасибо что рассеяла наши сомнения Аня!))))  всех нас одинаковые слабости)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Mar.

Ahhh verindur! Looks amazing isn't it?)))

maximemc8 avatar

i destroyed my lunch because of you :p

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Mar.


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Which products are bad to eat on an empty Stomach

Hello Community!
We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It boost your energy for the all day and thats why it is very important to feel yourself very good and comfortable after it. Have you ever noticed high acid in stomach sometimes? Or that you are hungry again in one hour? Or any other not really pleasant feelings in belly? As soon as something discomfortable happening to your body you can't feel yourself full of energy anymore and the day is not going accor
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Mar.

You doing well Viktoria))))) Thats why you look this amazing))

VictoriaVika avatar

JuliaBF Pleeeeease, you make me laugh :) Thanks.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Mar.

Come on! It is true so lets be serious))))))

VictoriaVika avatar

JuliaBF I am under the table now ))))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Mar.


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To Eat Or Not To Eat?? . .

Heeeeyyy Friends!
This blog mostly devoted to girls and our favorite topic "What to eat for losing weight?". I think men are more easy in this field. No? Mostly you are happy only with good workouts and after you can eat what you want in a smart frames of course.)) But we are, girls, it is totally another story! We are doing crazy workouts almost every day than we are doing different, sometimes painful body shaping treatments and, after all, we are keeping diet! Who won't feel frustrated one day
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verindur avatar
verindur 1 Mar.

Eat healthy and Stay Healthy..))))) Positive Energy from your thoughts plays on your minds and effects your bodies. That's reality. How you generate your positive thoughts energy is your own process. It can be physical, dietry, mental and spiritual. Choice is yours. Which fascinates you the most and which you think is more effective for you.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Mar.

Good and right thoughts verindur! As they say in ex USSR "A healthy body has a healthy soul")))))

maximemc8 avatar

ahahah :) funny video :)
Com on, there is only some pleasure in life, sometimes you have to cross the smart frames....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Mar.

ahahahah! You know maximemc8 as soon as I cross smart frame I'm not able to stop thats why I prefer to keep it)))

maximemc8 avatar

JuliaBF, we are in the same boat.... but i need to cross it some time to time.... even if my GF will be oblige to stop me.... i do ahahah , fortunately she is here.....

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Healthy but Tasty Food for Sunday))

Happy Sunday Community!
For me there is no better way to rise a mood other than eat something tasty! However, as I'm doing sport and trying always to keep myself in a good shape I can't afford myself to eat sweets every time I want otherwise I won't be able to pass through the doorway. LOL
But we know that there is no unsolvable problems exist and this one is not an exception as well)))) I have some secrets how to spoil myself with tasty things which are low in fat and calories. There is one of
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maximemc8 avatar

look amazing and sounds really tasty !
Thanks Julia!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Feb.

your welcome))))))

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Coffe and Pecan Maffins for Yummy Breakfast

Good Morning Community!
There is just one day left before relaxing weekend) One more busy week is done! Most people are already exhausted and it is really hard to wake yourself up on Fridays. In order to raise up your mood and get some strength for the "last struggle" it is really important to start the morning with nice, healthy and , the main point, tasty breakfast. Today I offer you the recipe of coffee and pecan muffins which are easy to cook and it is amazing addition to your morning coffee
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 30 Jan.

maximemc8 Nice! Hope you gonna like it)))

maximemc8 avatar

Julia! i have done your receipt this weekend and it was amazing!! thank youv ery much :p

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Feb.

Oh really?? Thats cool! Happy you liked it))

maximemc8 avatar

yeah :))) i guess everyone have to follow your receipt advises for the winter time at home its amazing!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Feb.

Thanks maximemc8)))) Nice to hear that!

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