It doesn't matter if you're afraid, or any other perceived weakness that may concern you. It's more a matter of what the requirements of being the trader are and focusing solely on that. If it's your job to push the button on a given signal, then you meet the requirements of the job. If it's your job to keep the trade open and monitor it until you have the appropriate signal to close it, then your job is to meet that requirement too. The same holds true for closing bad trades, not taking impulsive trades outside your rule set, and every other thing people attach psychological reasoning to.
Becoming a perfect trader is possessing the mind of no mind where you seamlessly perform the functions the job requires without mental interference. If people set about trying to change their psychology, it's a far too messy approach which leads to unnecessary complication. Problems have a way of sorting themselves out when the focus is on accomplishing the task at hand and eliminating mistakes technically.
It really doesn't matter why you make mistakes, all that matters is technically correcting those errors so they don't affect performance. Some things take more work than others, but by persistent training all obstacles can be overcome.
Becoming a perfect trader is possessing the mind of no mind where you seamlessly perform the functions the job requires without mental interference. If people set about trying to change their psychology, it's a far too messy approach which leads to unnecessary complication. Problems have a way of sorting themselves out when the focus is on accomplishing the task at hand and eliminating mistakes technically.
It really doesn't matter why you make mistakes, all that matters is technically correcting those errors so they don't affect performance. Some things take more work than others, but by persistent training all obstacles can be overcome.