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H1 Doji

Doji formation and also an inside bar ! Looking for a temporary reversal on the hour chart ! Should be around 30 pips but we will see what news comes out later this morning. The zigzag indicator is also confirmed a top has been reached.The stochastic and CCI are both signaled that some profit taking is going on. If this second inside bar forms, then thats another indication of a down ward temp trend might happen.So we have the doji , inside bar,zigzag,stochs,and cci on the hour chart giving a si…
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The Hawkish USD

Looking at the chart below you will see a large pin bar setup followed by a trend upwards ! And a small pin bar marked as well. I used the Fibonacci tool to get the extension of 161.8 for a price projection.
And on the Euro chart we see just the opposite and the chart shows top tails indicating a sell off. And the time and price cycle has broken.
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