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My working Universe

Im a photographer, so I have at my working place lots of different photo-equipment. You are always have to be surrounded by the things you like to be in a good mood So i like vintage film and shots, it makes me feel connection with the past ( the people on the shots lying on the table are my ancestors). I even tried to develop and print a film using chemicals some years ago! But i failed, because it is a really complicated process. And also on the picture you can see my the first film-camera …
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Viktorija avatar

У меня похожий фотоапарат дома лежит :)

Taiga avatar
Taiga 29 May

да, ФЭДы много у кого есть - их было проще достать, чем Зенит )

DanaJulia avatar

Вам начислено 20 дополнительных баллов в счет последнего выполненного Вами задания (16-го))))

Tarah_loong avatar

cупер я периодически тоже на ФЕДушку фоткаю!

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We are what we eat

To my opinion, it doesn't a matter how much calories are in your food-basket. The most important thing is fresh dishes and high-quality vegetables and another foodstuff. I usually buy fruits and vegetables in farmers’ markets. I prefer only a cup of coffee with some sweets and yogurt at breakfast; I like to cook every time before eating to keep my dishes fresh, healthy and tasty. I also like cooking of typical dishes of different countries - it improves my gastronomical feelings.

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Nadin5794 avatar

согласна а все 100%...ничего нет лучше здоровой и свежей НОРМАЛЬНОЙ пищи

kolokol avatar
kolokol 29 May


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