Activity feed

slherault registered for Trader

3 Jan.

slherault registered for Trader

1 July

slherault registered for Trader

1 Apr.

slherault has sent you a Valentine's card in the Valentine's Contest

For me forex is all about focus and control. The hardest skill to master for me was control, after all forex is a free environment where you decide when to take a loose or take profit. A chart is...
17 Jan.

slherault phone approved

19 May

slherault changed picture in his/her profile

22 Apr.

slherault commented an order in Trader Contest blog

id agree on that, usd should rise
19 Apr.

slherault wrote a free comment in Trader Contest blog

China's economic data is the key driver for the world economy. USD went bearish after the publication of China's trade balance.
10 Jan.

slherault wrote a free comment in Trader Contest blog

I meant support...not resistance
19 Dec.

slherault wrote a free comment in Trader Contest blog

QE4, another 45B of printing per month. Wont help the economy, stock market will rise but only nominal, no real wealth.
13 Dec.