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To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.--Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

My firs…

3 Sep.

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Страна находится в рецессии — экономика замедляется уже пять кварталов подряд. Правительство пока надеется на чудо — по неизвестной причине летом экономика должна оживиться, а к декабрю разогнаться до 3%. Экономисты в чудо не верят, но предлагают правительству неприятное, но действенное средство от замедления — плавную девальвацию рубля, которая нужна, чтобы сгладить последствия падения цен на нефть

Разговоры об экономическом росте в России, вернее, об отсутствии роста перестали быть теоретическими. Экономика замедляется пять кварталов подряд, вместе с экспортом нефти падают темпы роста торговли и кредитования внутри страны.

Главный экономист Danske Bank Ларс Кристенсен предлагает свой способ стабилизировать инфляцию и ускорить рост ВВП: в валютную корзину помимо доллара и евро нужно включить и норму экспортной цены на нефть в рублях, установленную ЦБ. В моменты, когда цены на нефть падают, это будет автоматически ослаблять курс рубля и ускорять рост.

Минэкономразвития: все будет хорошо

На последнем заседании правительства глава Минэкономразвития Андрей Белоусов представил сценарные условия развития российской экономики на период 2014-2016 гг. Планы властей достаточно оптимистичны, учитывая то, что на сегодня темпы роста экономики, по данным Росстата, замедлились по сравнению с прошлым годом в три раза. Минэкономразвития рассчитывает, что экономика еще разойдется:

Рост ВВП в 2014 году — 3,7%, в 2015-2016 гг. — 4,1-4,2%;

Цена на нефть может опуститься до $100 и …

3 Sep.

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За последнее столетие слово «империя» и все, что с ним связано, воспринимается однозначно негативно. Любую империю принято считать злом, противоречащим свободе и демократии. Империализм ассоциируется с работорговлей, жестокими войнами, эксплуатацией природных ресурсов, угнетением народов, расизмом и шовинизмом. Британский экономист и историк Ниал Фергюсон подвергает сомнению столь однозначную оценку. В книге «Империя» он выступает с апологией «либерального империализма», предлагая максимально объективно оценить достижения и поражения Британской империи.

В период расцвета Британская империя, крупнейшая в новой истории, занимала четвертую часть суши и управляла четвертой частью мирового населения. «Они покорили и заселили полсвета, как бы сами не отдавая себе в том отчета» — так характеризовал Британскую империю XVIII века Джон Сили, автор бестселлера викторианского времени «Расширение Англии». Действительно, формирование великой империи предстает скорее случайным, чем закономерным. Все потому, что не абстрактная государственная политика, а частные устремления были движущей силой расширения Британии. Политика была следствием экономических интересов, религиозных убеждений и личных устремлений конкретных людей.

Еще в конце XVI века Англия существенно отставала от Франции, Испании и Португалии в темпах освоения Нового Света, а от Голландии — в торговле и финансах. За 200 лет Британия превратилась из страны, находящейся на периферии европейской политики, в ведущую мировую держа…

3 Sep.

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The U.S. dollar really is everyone’s problem. There are more dollars in circulation worldwide than any other currency – perhaps more than all other currencies combined as a full two-thirds of the rest of the world’s foreign reserves are denominated in the U.S. dollar. It’s also true that two-thirds of all dollars circulate outside of the United States. They have long been the choice of exchange on the world’s black markets. The reason is because they are so recognizable and accepted everywhere else; in other words, liquid and fungible. They have also tended to keep their purchasing power value relatively constant until recently. That’s why many nations peg their currency to the dollar. It also helps that it is still the world reserve currency.Is the Decline of the U.S. Dollar Just A Matter of Time?

The above virtues being touted there are too many of them anymore and the law of supply and demand states that the more of something there is, the less value it has and the less demand there is for it. The world is becoming saturated with the U.S. dollar and many are looking for alternatives. As such, it is only a matter of time before the dollar does fail. When, how, and at what speed are all that are left for debate.What Would the Decline of the U.S. Dollar Mean For America – and the World?

Failure of the dollar would be noticeable in many ways and when it does fail we won’t have to ask if it has - we’ll know. Failure of the dollar will mean many things. It will mean that it …

3 Sep.

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oday sees the publication of the UK inflation figures for April which are likely to show for the first time in a while a fall in the rate of annual inflation. However whilst this dip is welcome it will remain over target which will make it some 41 months in a row that this has been the case. To show the significance of this in relation to UK economic policy making I would like to take you back to the Bank of England Inflation Report of May 2009 which told us this.

Inflation is likely to fall back sharply over the next few months…..inflation is more likely to be below the target than above it for most of the forecast period.

Okay why was that?

the margin of spare capacity that is likely to persist over the forecast period pushes down on CPI inflation

This margin of spare capacity or what is called the output gap never did push down on UK inflation did it? Never mind some still think that it doing so is just around the corner.

This policy error led the Bank of England to keep expanding a programme designed to increase the rate of inflation.

to increase the programme of asset purchases to £125 billion in total

It is of course treble that size now.

Back then an excellent question was asked by Sam Fleming

Could I ask you – the recovery and growth in 2010 gets us towards about 3% growth, looking at the Fan Chart. Could you explain why it is that, given that sharp recovery – or apparently sharp recovery – you expect inflation to remain so low,

So as we are reminded that …

3 Sep.

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Five tips for the female trader

1) Avoid unnecessary attention

“An older female mentor once gave a group of girls starting out this advice, ‘No one wants to see the colour of nail polish you have on your toe nails’”, said Jennifer. Do not dress in a way that is either going to draw unwanted attention or give anyone a reason to undermine your success, she added “Outfits should always be conservative and classy."

2) Watch what you say

Traders are forced to work long hours, which means you are going to be sitting next to the same people day in, day out and will hopefully get to know them well. However, for this reason, it is important not to get off on the wrong foot by inviting any inappropriate topics of conversation.

Jennifer said: “All topics of conversation should be professional and the reaction of the people around you should be taken into consideration. Part of the test of survival on a trading floor is if people can sit next to you for 10-12 hours a day.”

3) The stock market doesn't care if you're having a bad day

Keep your personal life off the floor if you want to be a successful female trader, advised Jennifer. “All personal problems or emotional distress should be left at home, no matter how difficult. Because, ultimately, there is no crying on the trading floor. It is very important to remain calm and cool during all possible situations”, she said.

4) The market always comes first

The stock market waits for no man…or woman. With trades being completed ev…

3 Sep.

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Money is a state of mind," Goi said in a recent interview. "It is a mind set. I teach that there is a specific mind set that will be attractive toward money. It comes down to your thoughts, feelings and images that arise in your mind. There is also a way to think that repels money."

According to Goi, the operative mechanism is the subconscious mind. "Most metaphysicians agree that the subconscious mind is an automatic engine. It's job is to create in the outer world what we are creating with our minds. The subconscious does not make judgment calls. It believes everything that you show it, good or bad, right or wrong, and makes them true," Goi said.

Goi said that a powerful money-attracting technique is to think about the end result, which will help us to conjure up the appropriate thoughts, images and feelings. All of these elements are crucial to creating a positive outcome.

It is critical to avoid negative thoughts, feelings and images about money. "The best way to stop negative thinking and to turn around our mental habits is to turn our back on them and focus on thinking positive things," Goi said. "The old thoughts will die of their own accord eventually. You will make new neuronal connections in the brain, the ones that make you feel good."

He acknowledges that taking this course of action will be a challenge. "The way we tend to think will always be the way we think," Goi said. "If we want to start to tend to think differently, the only way to do that is to s…

3 Sep.

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The Russian ruble will lose its usual support from monthly tax payments after the finance ministry starts buying foreign currencies on the open market to boost liquidity, Russia's deputy finance minister said Thursday.

The ruble usually firms towards the end of every month as export-focused companies convert dollar and euro revenues into rubles to meet local tax duties. In the second half of 2013 however, the finance ministry will deprive the ruble of such support as it plans to start converting oil and gas revenues back to foreign currencies and will channel the money to the reserve fund, a shield against external shocks.

Alexei Moiseev said the mechanism will be similar to the central bank's planned interventions that the regulator used to carry out to smooth out ruble volatility.

"I realize that the ruble moved yesterday on the back of the news. But this [finance ministry plan] is proper from a liquidity point of view," Mr. Moiseev said.

"All we do, we do in order to smooth out volatility of interbank rates. All what happens to the ruble is a side effect and it will also smooth out ruble volatility," Mr. Moiseev added, saying that the ministry's plan should be positive for the Russian bond market.

The ruble weakened Wednesday to its lowest levels versus the dollar since November amid growing fears that the central bank will give in to growing political pressure to ease monetary policy as an economic slowdown deepens.

Mr. Moiseev said that the finance ministry will …

3 Sep.

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The government never will tell that prepares devaluation of ruble or that devaluation already began. However the experts observing how from the second half of May the dollar and euro quickly grow, consider that devaluation goes. Today falling of national currency proceeded, and the dollar reached level 32,4, and euro – 42,98.

For decrease in a course the Central Bank and should do nothing: it is rather simple not to interfere with the auction on MICEX and not to throw out on them revenue of exporters which those sell to it without fail. That it with success also does. As a result the ruble promptly falls, and together with it the same rates the citizens who are getting paid in rubles and in them storing savings grow poor.

The similar situation, by the way, was exactly a year ago, only then advancing rates the dollar grew, having reached level of 34 rubles with a trifle. Now quicker euro which needed to rise by three rubles to reach a historical maximum in 46 rubles grows. And it besides that else at the beginning of May the European currency cost less than 40 rubles, and a year ago to it in general foretold crash because of crisis in Greece and difficulties in Spain, Italy and some other countries.

Obviously, devaluation of ruble was planned still then, but concern of the public and mass media led to that the president ordered to the Central Bank not to sleep at work and to interfere with a course of the auction. Threat was rolled away. Now anybody doesn’t sound alar…

3 Sep.

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Ref: I am holdong 10 rub which is quite rare now as the started to stop the emission of the 10 Rub coupure) For 10 rub it is even impossible to buy a buble gum now;)
Hello there! Here I will talk about Russian Ruble which is logical as I live in Moscow. According to some official sources: The rouble (or ruble) has been the currency in Russia for 500 years. The name ‘rouble’ is thought to come from the Russian for ‘chop,’ literally referring to the way a section was cut off a silver ingot, which was the very first incarnation of the currency, with each section holding a different value depending on its weight.

There is no official symbol for the rouble although many options have been suggested over the years, including a ‘P’ with two horizontal stripes. However, the abbreviation ‘руб’ is often used in writing.

In 1710 the rouble was first divided into kopecs, 100 of which made up a rouble. Ten roubles are sometimes referred to as ‘chervonets’, in reference to the Soviet gold chervonets issued in 1923 that were the equivalent value.

Between 1769 and 1917 there were only Imperial issued bank notes, or ‘assignats.’ After 1917 the provisional government issued bank notes, called Kerenki. Soon after, in 1918 state credit notes were issued by the RSFSR, followed by currency notes the following year.

What is their value in a daily life?) (my experience)

5000 Rubles - Romantic dinner in Pushkin restaurant for one person)

1000 Rubles - Business lunch in average cafe


3 Sep.