
5 Dec.

CommunitySupport wrote a comment to the post Virtual Card

Dear Client,

I would like to inform you that we offer these services. You can find more detailed information here: https://www.dukascopy.bank/swiss/services/?lang=en#paymentCards
14 Oct.

CommunitySupport registered for Strategy

7 Oct.

CommunitySupport wrote a comment to the post sasmar has taken 15th place in Strategy Contest Jun 2024

Dear Sardar,

We have credited prize to your account.

Kind regards,
Community support
2 Sep.

CommunitySupport wrote a comment to the post Community manager incompetence

Dear clients! We can only imagine your concern regarding the delay in publishing the Live Trader Contest Results. The reason of delay lies in change of manager of Dukascopy Community as well as a...
22 June