marianna9126's Blog



I can't believe it's one and the same girl..) Actually nothing has changed greatly, except for seriousness in the eyes and make up>_ The difference is in the make up artist/
when I was 18 i could do it only myself and could only afford a photo on my phone camera . In the second picture it is a confident, self-sufficient lady but still with an 18 year girl inside. what advice can I give to that girl on the left? first, never get upset! some time later, it doesn't matter at all!
then, second, alw…
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Colorful air kiss

I've decided to take glimmering purple pink to point out my lips
Яркий воздушный поцелуй получился фиолетовым )
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Winter mood

Зима мне к лицу..рожденная в самое холодное время, в морозный и метельный день. Зимой уютно согреваться горячим чаем и пледом, это период начала, зарождения, возможность подумать и переосмыслить . Время самых романтичный пейзажей, время спокойствия и умиротворения, штиль перед бурной и эмоциональной весной. Зима холодная, но без нее мы не узнаем, что значит тепло..
Winter suits me.. being born in the coldest season, freezing day and snowstorm. It is in winter very cosy to warm yourself with hot …
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Привет-привет всем!
Попробуем разгадать меня? 10 фактов обо мне , 1 из них - выдумка.. что же это???
1 - мое настоящее имя - Марианна
2 - я учу китайский язык
3 - моя любимая кухня - итальянская
4 - я поддерживаю движение феминизма
5 - любимый город - Нью-Йорк
6 - мечтаю побывать в Швейцарии
7- любимые цветы - розы
8- работала в Азии и на ближнем востоке
9- французское искусство мне по душе
10 - меня выгнали из одного штата Америки
Hello-hello everyone!
Can you try to guess me? 10 facts about m…
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Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 17 Jan.

Hard to choose, the best cuisine comes from Italy, everyone wants to go to Switzerland and the most beautiful flowers are the roses.

marianna9126 avatar

it's not that hard)

Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 17 Jan.

So 4 :)

marianna9126 avatar

you are my only fan here :))

Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 21 Jan.

I'm the first one sorry, You have to show that you exist here :)

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Winter - why not?

Winter - why not? As for me, it's the most magic season ,,at least because you can snowboard from the snow peaked mountains, never thought I would but you never know. If someone told me 3 years ago that I would fall down from the peak -no way) but things change ,, so do we! always try something new and you will never be cold in coldest winter^) I guess that snow board and ski lovers are from different planets, so would do you prefer ?) Ski is too complicated for me, I hate carrying some stuff i…
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Go away, autumn depression!

To tell you the truth , i hate depressed people and everything of this kinda. This all stuff was once created by psychologists to impose problems we do not have. There's no such a mental state as depression, it's just what we think about it. We all can be a little sad, disappointed it's normal, then time passes we feel joy and happiness. If you are always sad and depressed you probably don't have enough problems in life and you keep on thinking about different bullshit.. Those depressed boring a…
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Eosphoros avatar

With time, I learned to flee them to advance without them:)

marianna9126 avatar

that's what wise men tend to do;)

Eosphoros avatar

Would it be a subtle way of reminding me of my old age? :P

marianna9126 avatar

I’ve no a slightest idea about your age ;)

Eosphoros avatar

I am closer to the age of a sage, than of the age of playing pirates ;-)

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Weekdays aren't special

I can admit that weekdays have always been busier and more emotional than weekends,. maybe I am among those rare people who prefer Monday and Tue rather than Sat and Sun no matter how tired I can be and how many things i have to complete during the day, still I enjoy it. I'm like a true girl can be a little capricious during weekdays and i have a reason for it , depending on a daymood. You know there are long and gloomy days that last forever as if the whole world in a traffic jam, nothing can p…
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Perfect Man: where are you?

To meet a perfect man you have to be a perfect woman.. there's no other way to draw his attention) ; be special and think about what you can give rather then take..A perfect man needs a lot of energy, think of how it is possible to accelerate it and share, so if you're not ready to give no way to have. there are certain tips:
1) work on your beauty every day to be bright and elegant
2)work on your diet and lifestyle , it should be exquisite and expensive
3) work on your brain , you should be ver…
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Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 29 Sep.

Thank you for playing the games :). You have to laugh in this world

marianna9126 avatar

that's pretty true )

Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 29 Sep.

I wish you good luck in the contest:)

marianna9126 avatar

Many thanks!!!

Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 29 Sep.

You're welcome :), Looking forward to reading you again

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Red is a state of mind

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Eosphoros avatar
Eosphoros 25 Sep.

The photos speak for themselves:), no need for text
Welcome to You

Vicktoria avatar
Vicktoria 27 Sep.

Нужно писать текст в задании, а не только фото

marianna9126 avatar

Уже поздно его писать ?)

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