krisalferova1's Blog


Miss Dukascopy June 2015

My dear community,
The month of July has been the busiest and at the same the happiest month of this year so far! First of all, I would like to thank each one of the members of this indescribably wonderful community, where each person feels its importance. Also, I would like to apologize to all of you for not being here participating during the month of July!
When I finally got to know, that I am being the One who has got honored to be the Miss Dukascopy of June, I immediately felt that I moved …
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iiivb avatar
iiivb 3 Aug.

conratulations krisalferova1

sam2202 avatar
sam2202 3 Aug.

Well done, you look amazing!

Shadowcat avatar

Кристина, ты действительно лучшая! :) поздравляю! :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 29 Dec.

Well done and congrats to all contestants

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Perfume effect

Perfume is not just the liquid used to complete one's image.
It is the whole philosophy of person's character and preferences.
It is the final touch not to our outfit, but to our personality!
I believe that each lady is supposed to find out, what is 'her' fragrance:
1 for warm seasons of the year, and 1 for cold ones.
Once I found my perfume, people have started recognizing me
and having certain associations with my aromas.
Now, it has been 3 years I am using the same perfume,
which perfectly f…
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Mariia avatar
Mariia 23 June

Если я не ошибаюсь, все ароматы MONTALE с  восточной ноткой?

krisalferova1 avatar

Mariia Большинство из них имеют восточные нотки, но я использую одни цветочные без единого намека на восток, и парфюм с Aoud, который отнсится к категории парфюма 'ориент')

Ninnell avatar
Ninnell 25 June

действительно важно найти "свой аромат"))

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Just do it!

Sports is the greatest physical poetry!
I have spent 12 years of my life doing rhythmic gymnastics on a professional level until I reached the Master of Spors.
Nowadays, the gym is a place of escapement from my every day's routine. As soon as I enter the fitness room, I immediately dedicate myself to the whole atmosphere of practice.
1 hour work out -> 3 times per week
includes: - 10 minutes of power walk
- 10 minutes of stretching
- 50x2 abs
- 10 minutes of run
- 50x2 lunges
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wienerschinken avatar

krisalferova1 Oh. Im Sorry for that. Its a good thing)

krisalferova1 avatar

wienerschinken Merci beaucoup! :) Danke schoen!)

wienerschinken avatar

krisalferova1 Bitteschön!

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 22 June

Хорошо приседаешь! жаль, что видео перевернутое. не совсем удобно смотреть.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 29 Dec.

very regimental form of exercise

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My Switzerland

It has been 3 years now since the day I came to Switzerland for the first time…
However, those indescribable emotions are not leaving me even now.
They are staying deep in my soul, changing my ways of thinking and living, and just making me the happiest lady being!
It was the first time I have understood that people may be in love with places.
I am talking about real love. Real tears of happiness, feeling that you want to fly, and just valuing every single second of your being there.
It is th…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 29 Dec.

For those who have traveled, they leave a piece of their heart in the places they have lived and love.

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Who is your best shopping buddy?

Shopping is a woman thing. It's a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase.
Ladies are always willing to get satisfaction during such a pleasurable activity as shopping. However, there are always some external factors that influence their mood and choices. On of these important factors is the person who is accompanying you. Whether it is going to be your one & only beloved man, Mom, or your b…
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Ninnell avatar
Ninnell 25 June

здорово, когда с мамой такие прекрасные отношения))

CriticalSection avatar

Mother and daughter both charming.. congrats to you for your recent win, as well as your general style and energy... congrats to your mother for her guidance and inspiration))

krisalferova1 avatar

CriticalSection Thank you for all of these pleasant words, especially the ones addressed to my Mom!!!:) All the best wishes to you!

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Summer wish-list

Summer is when you don't want anything, and when you want absolutely everything at the same time!
Smiles are bigger, days are longer, nights aren't used for sleeping, journeys are frequent, ocean is bluer, and the Sun is warmer…
Whenever the summer approaches, we love to get immersed in our dreams… ! Dreams and wishes that are going to be realized during the most exciting time of the year - Summer. I am for the spontaneous decisions during the time of the season, which differs from our everyday…
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wienerschinken avatar

Like 1, 3, 6 :)

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5 Stylish Tricks

Is it really the style that makes people buy all of the latest trend clothing items, or it is the thirst to follow up people from the fashion industry? The biggest mistake ladies tend to make nowadays is the will to be similar to someone else. Fashion and style are all about the individuality. I am seeing the definition of style as the derivative of one's personality. However, there are always some tips to follow:
1. Minimalistic & Classy = Stylish
Combinations of simple textures & colors will …
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krisalferova1 avatar

Девушка, не стоит воспринимать эти слова столь буквально. Правильно подобранная обувь на каблуке действительно подчеркивает красоту женских ног, и добавляет нотку элегантности любому образу. Главное-это знать, когда и куда их можно обувать;)

Nadin5794 avatar

JudgeDredd )))хаха...таких бы комментариев да побольше)к мужчинам они не могут не прислушаться)с собственной дочерью я поступаю методом погружения))" Мааам я хочу носить каблуки!"-"На,носи" с 12 лет носит....ей 16 и она уже не носит их вообще)))

krisalferova1 avatar

JudgeDredd & Nadin5794  Удивительно негативная реакция у Вас… Не стоит прибегать к крайностям в данном случае) В моем понимании, умение грациозно держаться в подобной обуви-это само собой разумеющийся критерий при выборе сего типа обуви. Более того, уместность, в том числе и возрастная, так же имеет немаловажное значение. Девушка либо элегантна во всем, либо ни в чем… ни кеды, ни балетки не усовершенствуют непоставленную походку, согнутые ноги и сутулую спину. 

Nadin5794 avatar

)))ну теперь уж нет сомнений что ни написавший пост ни комментаторы никакого понятия о том о чём рассуждают не имеют)за редким исключением))но с собой лучше молчать а не пытаться вести диалоги в комментариях))))))))))...

krisalferova1 avatar

Nadin5794 Девушка, мне совсем не хочется получать негативные эмоции… Не для этого был создан сей конкурс. Каждый человек имеет свое собственное мнение, и мнение, по своему определению, просто не может быть правильным или неправильным. Замечательного Вам дня! И пусть позитив преобладает в Вашей жизни! :)

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