

Галопом по Мадриду

Приветствую вас, мое любимое сообщество!
Как же давно мы с вами не общались =) Вы скучали? Я да!
Очень многое произошло с Ноября прошлого года и я хотела бы поделиться с вами впечатлениями от моей последней поездки в прошлом году =) Ездила я вновь в Испанию, на сей раз в Мадрид.
Честно говоря, я не люблю ездить в отпуск в большие города, так как сама живу в большом городе, и зачастую очень хочется тишины, спокойствия и море с солнышком.
Я долго не могла придумать, куда бы поехать, так как могла
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar
Natalia_Kisenko 2016年02月12日

отличный репортаж!

akbarich avatar
akbarich 2016年02月13日

Очень увлекательно Спс!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年02月14日

great video

missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2016年02月14日

Спасибо вам всем!! :* Мне очень приятно, что вам понравилось ))))

driven avatar
driven 2016年02月14日

Wow! This is awesome. Thanks for sharing. Madrid looks like a great place to visit.


Every little light in your souls

I sit here quietly observing the World.. the World of cruelty, anger, negativity and hater. Why is this terror happening,
why are people valuing the money more than anything? Why are people willing to kill for money?
It's not right that the World is living in fear, no matter the city, country, continent.. we should ALL be
able to live in peace and love
I believe and I know we didn't loose our humanity, generosity, happiness and ability to care for others!
Don't be shaken, don't be afraid! Stay
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 2015年11月16日

beautiful girl and wonderful place!!

ijayakumar avatar
ijayakumar 2015年11月20日

Wonderful city view!

driven avatar
driven 2015年12月16日

I don't think you can blame money for most of the bad stuff that is going on. People generally don't kill for money. They kill for hatred or jealousy or sometimes tribal and religious differences.

atasoy avatar
atasoy 2016年01月15日

wowo  nice

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

If we go through history, humans are a very violent & destructive specie.
However, fortunately, we have evolved to the stage where we can either be destroyer or savior of our planet.



How's a massive cake-alike costume with a hat and fake dragonfly on the net?
This probably is the most bizzare thing I've ever had to wear in my whole life. Extravaganza enough dear friends?
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WallStreet6 avatar
WallStreet6 2015年11月07日

I hope it's the most bizzare thing you wore or I would have to start calling you bizzare :)

egypix avatar
egypix 2015年11月08日

yes good

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2015年11月08日


Joe_Vulcan avatar
Joe_Vulcan 2015年11月10日

Fashion Gone Wild!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

Extravaganza enough???....to say the least! :))


* Dare to dream big | Follow your dreams *

Hello all
Felt like sharing a few warm thoughts of my own.
Those that are in touch with me will know that I used to do bellydance in the past and was super attracted to the countries such as "Turkey and Egypt". I was visualising myself going there, and guess what, it came true! In fact, I visited Turkey 4 times and Egypt 2!
When I was much younger I used to look at all those fashion shows and thought to myself "of, that would be so cool, if I was allowed to grace at least one catwalk". That too
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JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2015年10月26日

Sometimes the wisest man says the least !! .

missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月26日

JockPippin true that.. but in other cases :D

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2015年10月26日

So what does it require in this case ?? ...maybe you could send me what you want me to write !! :P .

driven avatar
driven 2015年12月16日

Thanks for sharing.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

Good for you girl!....you lived out your dreams :))))



Hello dear friends
As soon as I saw this task - I immediately liked it. I love looking back at my life and see how things change. Although, most of the time I go "Oh, my God, is this really me?! How come I was looking like that?"
There was a time in my life when I was growing fringe and then cutting it short over and over again. Not doing that again - let the hair grow. Will see where this will get me.
I used to experiment with hair color too..there was only one time in my life when I had blond
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2015年10月20日

no visible changes

Joe_Vulcan avatar
Joe_Vulcan 2015年10月20日

If there were no dates on the photos, I could not tell the difference...still beautiful.

pipx avatar
pipx 2015年11月03日

I don't see any changes

atasoy avatar
atasoy 2016年01月15日

super  rr

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

Yes, some of us never change from the inside no matter how we turned out in our adult life :))


Not saying goodbye :)

Good evening dear Dukascopy community.
I'm sure you know the feeling when you really need to take some time to unwind, relax and enjoy yourself. Sounds familiar?
Well, with everything that has been happening lately (trust me, there was quite a bit), I've decided to take some time off
Rest assured, I will be back at the beginning of the next week!
I'm in a desperate need of the sun, in order to survive this coming winter, so I'll go to fetch some.
I will miss all your lovely faces and crazy comm
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2015年10月13日

where are you going?

missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月18日

Thank you driven =)) You're always very attentive and kind (when not sarcastic)!

missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月18日

speculo_ergo_sum I was in Turkey, a few days of sunshine, beach, sea.. Paradise - in one word saying

driven avatar
driven 2015年10月18日

You're welcome!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

Yup...we all need a break from our adult life once in a while and be ourselves again :)))


По секрету всему свету

А знаете, я порой очень сильно скучаю по "своим", по славянам. По традициям, богатству языка, моральным устоям, красоте.
Мне все чаще стало казаться, что меня просто не понимают.
Я все еще помню тот день, когда я уехала от всех...уехала жить на остров - только бы подальше от тех, к кому сейчас так тянет. Полностью изолировав себя от "своих же", я очутилась среди чужих - новых понятий, новых традиций, да что там - новым было абсолютно все!
Так устроен человек - ко всему привыкаешь, ко всему присп…
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missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月12日

Agnessa26 я уже 4 раза летала домой в этом году =)))
Однако, всегда рада возвращению в Англию

missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月12日

Всмысле, Marina12 ?

Agnessa26 avatar
Agnessa26 2015年10月12日

А ну так вообще замечательно)) думаю что из - за того что культуры  разные, бывает что не хватает, чего то))  Но я не знаю по своему опыту, просто друзья очень многие по уезжали...и рассказывают)

samurai avatar
samurai 2015年11月19日

I don't know Russian , Yet I like to Like :D

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

we all want to or feel like holding onto our past...but if we don't let go and experience life, we will probably never have lived when we are old and grey.



Good morning/day/evening
What's your take on versatility in everything? Life in general.
I've learned that whatever you do, you must do good, but it's not enough. It never seems to be enough. You also must be able to do it in a different way - be versatile.
If one wants to be successful, they'll be mastering various skills, covering several areas. You know what I mean.
Richard Branson, for example, started his business venture when he was only 16, tried several areas - magazine, a mail-order re
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missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月10日

hahahahaahahah oh, dear.. that made me laugh... "virgin births" AND "virgin babies".. that's like against any law of a nature :D

driven avatar
driven 2015年10月10日

Good and interesting post. I agree that versatility is a good feature to possess, but I don't think it's necessary for everyone. Some people are just really good at one thing and they stick to it with great success (think of Richard Branson, who started hundreds of businesses vs. Bill Gates, who started one). It's also important to recognise your limitations.

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2015年10月10日

Adapt or die !! .Don't talk ,act. Don't say, show .Don't promise, prove .

ijayakumar avatar
ijayakumar 2015年11月20日

thats nice still!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

Well, luck has to be factored into success too because for every success, there are many more failures.


Camera loves me ooh ooh

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy

Another day went by, another lesson learnt. Stay wise and humble
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CD1V1 avatar
CD1V1 2015年10月13日

hey sexy mama. :)

ijayakumar avatar
ijayakumar 2015年11月20日

Superb dress!

atasoy avatar
atasoy 2016年01月15日

great )

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

wise yes!...humble...well...yah...some! :p

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

...perhaps "considerate" :)))


Watch out | Don't waste your time sleeping!!!

Hola everyone!
Let's talk about sleeping (not THAT type of sleeping.. come on now!). Personally, I'm unable to function on less than 7 (preferably 9) hours of sleep. And I know some people that are doing night shifts (22:00-6:00) and then go to a meeting at around 8:00, after that have a photoshoot or something else. Then they finally can go to bed just to catch about 4-5 hours of sleep max.
HOW do they do it? Of course, I used to sleep 3-4-5 hours a day and then go to work again, however, I mo
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fxsurprise8 avatar
fxsurprise8 2015年10月05日

pipx You'll have to declaw her first.

missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月06日

aaawww pipx I'll fit in perfectly between Peaches and Doxie. You can call me Pixie :D And please don't listen to fxsurprise8 , he's just trying to sabotage me hahah

pipx avatar
pipx 2015年10月10日

fxsurprise8 Declawing is too much, maybe trimming a little :-) Don't worry Pixie, I got your back

missanzhelika avatar
missanzhelika 2015年10月10日

pipx thank you! You're a true hero :)))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2016年01月23日

time permitting, I can sleep anywhere from 4 hours to 48 hours straight....and that's no BS :)))
