

My story

I know that some of you already know me from Miss 2013, but for these who don't know me I will tell a short story about me.
I think that I'm one of the oldest participants - almost 40 years old ( 40 will be in April), but I never hide my age. All my years is mine and I'm happy with all its. I see that there are many beautiful, smart and young girls here and I don't hope to win main prizes I'm realist and don't like to biult sand castles It would be nice for me to win some money for my live
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
marinadvorina avatar
marinadvorina 2014年02月28日

не 40 лет, а 18 и много, много месяцев!))) умничка!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年02月28日

Марина, есле бы :) cпасибо

marinadvorina avatar
marinadvorina 2014年02月28日

правда правда!настоящая красота сияет изнутри, я так считаю)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年02月28日

это точно, и тут никакие бриллианты не помогут :)

marinadvorina avatar
marinadvorina 2014年02月28日

и снова, да!)


Miss Dukascopy 2014 Warm-up: Task 1

Well, at last I've finished my hard short trading contest! Yesterday and today was very hard days for me, as I wrote I didn't sleep last night, as I've made a mistake in FX trading and I had to wait during whole night right moment to close position, which was no profitable. Today I also haven't any rest because there was some important news and I need to do all my best to be the first! So, I've finished short trading contest with 151.51k.
I think it is not so bad results....Right now I'm so tire…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Short Trading contest

Well as this short contest goes to the middle, I would like to share some my experience.
As I'm real trader and have almost 4 years experience in Forex, and as along Miss Dukascopy contest I actively participated in other contests (Trading, Fundamental, Strategy, Technical analysis, Article, Poker- by the way activity in other contests was underlined in recommendations for Miss Dukascopy contest participants), I would like to share some my experience. One of the most important things in Forex …
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
jezz avatar
jezz 2013年11月05日

You trade with larger volumes than me (ok, I opened some by mistake at 0.1mil). But, I like to have some margin free for more pairs at once, so I can jump in with a hedge position if needed.
That's my view. Btw, you're doing awesome

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2013年11月05日

tnx, jezz, one more important thing in FX, to keep your own strategy
