minamina's Blog


2 day

walked around 9km
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10th day

I did exercises 10 min and I walked around 4 km ( 50 min.) Breakfast 2 bananas with yogurt.
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8th day

Hristos Vaskrese
I walked around 5 km and eat 5 eggs That's all.
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kiria avatar
kiria 17 Abr


Yuliya_N avatar
Yuliya_N 17 Abr


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7th day

Today, I ran for 20 minutes,I did morning exercises and drank only green tea.
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kiria avatar
kiria 17 Abr


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Second Day

Only I walked around 5 km for one hour.Taht s all.
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Julia_Zhulinskaya avatar

главное что-то сделать по достижению своей цели!

minamina avatar


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First day

I have 108 kilos and I'm 193cm tall. This morning I decided to cut out all the junk food, I worked out a bit and I also went walking and I walked around 7 km for which it took me around an hour and a half. That's all.
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wisdom_consultant avatar

try to cook steam food

minamina avatar

wisdom_consultant  I will,I suppose

ak10 avatar
ak10 21 Abr

good start

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