

Good Bye, Miss Dukascopy!

Hello Community, Hello my Friends!
It is my last blog in Miss contest. I decided not to continue to participate - I have my own reasons, I will not tell you about it, I just would like to tell you that it was really very interesting, useful and funny time I spent in this contest. As I told before, I met here some wonderful people, improved my English, and I've done some things which I have never done before. I mean some interesting tasks - especially video tasks - my first video interview from l…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 14 8月

I'm happy, at last Dukascopy stopped all that and I hope few interesting month of contest there will be in the future. So, lucy , don't hesitate! Start to participate immediately! Wish you Good luck and all the best!

lucy avatar
lucy 15 8月

Thank you ilonalt, I wish u the same! :) I hope as you say it will be better :)

xtrader360 avatar

@ilonalt, i miss u

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2 9月

xtrader360 , :) anyway, I'm here in community :) and always open to communicate

peachynicnic avatar

Is it the reason you told me preluding you from continuing the contest?


My story

I know that some of you already know me from Miss 2013, but for these who don't know me I will tell a short story about me.
I think that I'm one of the oldest participants - almost 40 years old ( 40 will be in April), but I never hide my age. All my years is mine and I'm happy with all its. I see that there are many beautiful, smart and young girls here and I don't hope to win main prizes I'm realist and don't like to biult sand castles It would be nice for me to win some money for my live
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marinadvorina avatar

не 40 лет, а 18 и много, много месяцев!))) умничка!

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 28 2月

Марина, есле бы :) cпасибо

marinadvorina avatar

правда правда!настоящая красота сияет изнутри, я так считаю)

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 28 2月

это точно, и тут никакие бриллианты не помогут :)

marinadvorina avatar

и снова, да!)
