Atashi_Tada's Blog


Let's rock!

Dear ladies!
This is very exciting moment - last days of the contest!!
Had a closer look on the prizedraw for Miss 2014 and I can say for sure that I feel jealous, it's just unbelievable mind-blowing!!! Can you even imagine that you'll have it all?
I clearly remember my last days before the final voting a year ago when I was so exhausted by constantly doing my blog and tasks, but you know what? It's definitely worth it! You've been doing such a hard work for such a long time, worth to keep doing…
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gelderen avatar
gelderen 28 Jul

That's the spirit!

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Task 21: Interview with Mr Leo the cat

Mr Leo is sharing his heartbreaking thoughts about humans and their total ignorance in acknowledging him as their only God.
I never told you.. I speak a little cat language..
Because I'm getting the cat soon I've decided to make an interview with cat too!
It wasn't easy.. Mr Leo is currently very stressed, it is not easy to handle such huge ignorance from the humans! Everyone must see it! Tell your friends, relatives! We must help Leo to get the respect he deserves!!!
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Irina24 avatar
Irina24 20 Jul

Ахахаха) класс!!

Olga18375 avatar

Супер! Оригинально) Мне нравится))

Anastasia32 avatar

Класс )))) хи-хи

Convallium avatar

просто супер!

Natali_Niyazova avatar

))посмеялась от души) спасибо!

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OMG I am so excited right now! Can't think of anything else but this and want to share my excitement with you!
We were looking for an exotic kitten for the past 2-3 weeks and just now I think we found what we wanted!! This is just the most adorable kitten I've ever seen!!! It's my birthday this Sunday and we are going to see him at his home. What a lovely beginning of a birthday isn't it? He is like wearing a tiny mask, so cute This will be my very first cat and I can't wait, I have bought …
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 10 Jul

When we bought our blue persian kitten, he was only 6 week old - i think even smaller than this one in a pic. He lives 5 years with us and i have never regret about it - he is very smart and good educated :) even gives his pow like a dog :) if this cute kitten will become a new member of your family - the most important to educate him well from the first days, then he will give you only positive emotions

Atashi_Tada avatar

ilonalt thank you darling! yes I am going to teach him a lot so he is intelligent cat!!

Olga18375 avatar

wow) beautiful cat))

ANABEVZ avatar

i like it!)

MobNaga avatar
MobNaga 13 Nov

too cute!

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Task 22: Me now and then

I loved this task!
Here is my favourite photo of me aged 5 or something like that, that fully represents me, haha
Had to use some of my best MS Paint skills, but as you may see I haven't changed that much since then, I just don't have beach inflatable ball and flippers anymore But I still like to do funny grimaces, they are natural to me.
I hope you like it!
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Atashi_Tada avatar

Elani thanks a lot :)) people in the park were laughing too :D

Polinka avatar
Polinka 10 Jul


ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 10 Jul

Great! I think you made this task perfect! At first it was difficult to believe that there is 22 years difference between pics :) i can say that уou havent change a lot :)

Olga18375 avatar

Atashi_Tada,  super photos))!!!!

Bimlesh avatar
Bimlesh 23 Jul

no change observable

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Task 20: DO I believe?

When I was a teenager I used to believe in everything, especially if that was related to some boy I liked I think it always starts with this.
So by the age of 15 I became a real expert in horoscopes, different sign compatibilities and especially divinations on playing cards - that was my absolute favourite! I could do it every day for several hours, hoping to get the good results
Quite quickly I have realised that nothing of this has actually neither helped me nor came true, so that's when I b…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dez

For compatibility, the Chinese horoscope is more accurate than the zodiac ones.

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Task 16: I am what I eat

I would say it is more correctly to say "Who I am is what I eat" rather that the other way round
Even though I am quite stable in everything serious and when it comes to important commitment, however everything else in my life truly depends on my mood - I am inconsistent and sometimes it reminds me that if I'd have PMS every single day (not necessarily in a bad way you know). Therefore I eat and buy products very differently from day to day. It can be super-healthy vegan dinner and the very next…
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Irina24 avatar
Irina24 26 Jun

omg this photo makes me feel so hungry)) yummy:)

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I am back!

Hello dear community members,
Happy to be back from my vacation, all fresh and happy My May was all about preparing for the great road-trip to Portugal-Spain-Gibraltar and as expected - it went great! Sun and doing nothing every day - exactly what I needed
I already feel it will be extremely hard to get back to work and weekly tasks, but I'll do my best! My thoughts are still somewhere on the beach of Albufeira. Now I wonder how great would be to live in such nice and sunny country all the tim…
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kolokol avatar
kolokol 16 Jun

Очень интересно!

Atashi_Tada avatar

@Anastasiya_Dudochnikova  а куда конкретно если не секрет? :)kolokol дааа там было супер!

Anastasiya_Dudochnikova avatar

Туда, где круглый год солнце.

Atashi_Tada avatar

Anastasiya_Dudochnikova отличный план)))

Irina24 avatar
Irina24 26 Jun

я вот с удовольствием рванула бы куда-то  типа Майами, кстати видела,что много русских сейчас проживают в Дубаях,но думаю я бы там не смогла) хотя там и жизнь класса люкс,но все же абсолютно другая культура,думаю, даёт о себе знать)

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Task 14: To Pay or Not To Pay? My research

As you may know my primary work is market research so I’ve decided to go for a survey to find out whether boys pay for the dinner or not and what factors may affect their decision.
I’ve created small 5 minutes survey in a tool we are using for real online research (and scripted it myself too, btw!) and here are rough results of 47 responses I got and reporting link –
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Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 15 Maio

устрашающе зрелище))

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 16 Maio

Кстати непонятно ок или нет) так как на Евровидении такие дама с бородой рулит))

Atashi_Tada avatar

Olga18375 хаха да, но все же на свиданки таких приглашать парни пока не рвутся))

Olga18375 avatar
Olga18375 16 Maio

и слава Богу))

VictoriaVika avatar

Atashi, why are you still not a cheerleader? ) Constructive idea!

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Task 13: My online life

I must confess - internet plays quite important role in my life and no matter how I try to disagree and avoid this - it always follows me.
But let me note, that I am only using social networks as a tool to find people and keep contact, meeting in person is much preferable, however I don't see any harm in finding and meeting people online.
Online field helps in person's background research, but the main rule is not to take it as 100% true, because you never know how this information ended up bein…
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nastiatru avatar
nastiatru 13 Maio


jezz avatar
jezz 14 Maio

Lucky you - I got full private parts several times

Atashi_Tada avatar

jezz what do you mean by full private parts? :))

jezz avatar
jezz 14 Maio

up, close and not personal. the picture was enough

Atashi_Tada avatar

jezz oh I met majority of my boyfriends online actually :) but I didn't like them on the pictures, or at least I haven't even thought we will be together later on :D

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Miss Dukascopy 2015 - Rough idea of next year contest

You know what? I seriously think that next year Miss Dukascopy 2015 should become something completely different.
I think Dukascopy should give up idea of blogging and doing weekly tasks in this contest (maybe not 100%, but do not make it as the main criteria though) and do more SHOW. By show I mean that it should be actually about beauty and popularity, because the idea of "beauty, popularity AND successful trading bloger" is not working really well this year.
Here is my concept:
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Atashi_Tada avatar

seediee thanks darling! xxx

Omela avatar
Omela 8 Maio

Хорошая идея!

VictoriaVika avatar

Atashi, why are you still not a cheerleader? ) Constructive idea!

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 23 Set

haha Great idea :D I can direct this show, I have experience in directing and filming "reality show" :)) so its gonna be fun!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Dez

Dukas need to review some of their rules not only in Ms Dukas but other contest too.

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