Dinka's Blog


Tattoos and Piercings...HOT??? My answer - Definitely NOT!!!!!

Hello dear friends and community members,
In this post I want to present you my point of view regarding tattoos and piercings, and as you can already guess from my post title I am definitely against having tattoos and piercings on my body!!! And now I will tell you why:
Let us start from piercing! First of all I must say that I am against both piercing and tattoos because of a very simple reason – I choose natural beauty and think that both tattoo and piercing cannot make you more beautiful or m…
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Vasyakamushkin avatar

very interesting...

agddivisas avatar

better natural, no tattos and no piercing!

Likerty avatar
Likerty 1 May

My view is that any alien substance (ink, metal..) can't make a body/skin to feel, look better/hoter

yas avatar
yas 3 May

None compares to you. Feminine one (y)

alcatraz avatar

Fully agree with your statements. Natural is beauty.

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AM I EMOTIONAL ??? Undoubtedly YES :))))

Hello dear friends,

Finally I managed to start completing this task, which I liked from the first sight I will tell you why but a bit later, but first let me start my post by the following words....
" When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion" .
These words belong to Dale Carnegie, who , in my opinion, related these words especially to the female part of the globe And it is hard to disagree with him, because I myself think that …
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yas avatar
yas 3 May

Great post! People should notice this and aware themselves that we are all emotional. Everybody's fighting for it. See... even a nation build based on it. And clearly one who respects others feeling should succeed. So don't worry be happy (y)

CriticalSection avatar

yup, don't worry be happy :) nice album by the way yas - it's mising the duckface selfie though :))

Delic avatar
Delic 6 May

End,end I like to dance:))

ronalex avatar
ronalex 22 May

Очень артистичная девушка, настоящая находка для принца на белом коне.

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Please Welcome - this is my lovely city YEREVAN!!!!

Hello my dear friends,
Today I want to present you my dearest and adorable hometown YEREVAN - the Capital of Armenia, in which I was born, grew up and live up to now!
To tell the truth this task is very pleasant but at the same time very difficult for me, because I really feel a huge responsibilty on myself because it is my hometown and many of you are going to get acquainted with it for the first time, so I have to do my best to present my city as good as I can.
Let us start and let me introduc…
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Dinka avatar
Dinka 26 Abr

Да да, так что милости просим, если понравилось :) Спасибо :)

CriticalSection avatar

Miss Dinka, wow! BRILLIANT POST and a great introduction to this attractive city :) Your night time walking photos are gorgeous (as usual -_-) and I hope to meet these interesting landmarks in person very soon.. Very well done, I enjoyed the whole thing! Another personal top 10 [blogging category] :)

khalidamassi avatar

very beautiful, I hope I can travel to it in my life

verindur avatar
verindur 29 Abr

Ambassador of Armenia promoting tourism. I think Armenian Govt should hire you.

yas avatar
yas 3 May

Yerevan is nothing without you, Miss Dinka. Great presentation! I'm proud of you. And that's for sure (y)

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International TOILET Day or the world's most funny Holidays:)))) Part2

Dear friends,
Today I want to continue my previous post about the most Funny holidays in the world, and my today's compilation consists of, to my mind, the most crazy ones
Let's start from National Jandal Day, celebrated in New Zealand (December 02)

It is not difficult to guess that since this holiday is celebrated in New Zeland, it means that this shoes type was invented there It all started when Morris Yock went to Japan and saw this shoe type, he liked it so much, that he decided to pr…
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Dinka avatar
Dinka 17 Abr

Спасибо :)) ага, все таки чего только не придумают люди :)))))

Mariina avatar
Mariina 18 Abr


Anna30 avatar
Anna30 22 Abr

World Toilet Day? :)))) ahaha, are u serious? :D

Polina25 avatar
Polina25 22 Abr

Den' sandalikov, prikolno :)))

Lina25 avatar
Lina25 23 Abr

классные сандалики :))) Всемирный день туалетов просто убил :))))))

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How I hate these FAKE and meaningless interviews :((((

Dear friends,
Today I realized, that I am sick and tired of those fake job interviews, when the employer knows from the very beginning who he is going to choose and hire, and he simply creates the illusion of conducting a selection process with several rounds and stages
I feel like I am already sick and tired of wasting my time on writing resumes and cover letters, sending them, then going for tests, completing them successfully and then passing interviews one stage after another, and what at th…
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jezz avatar
jezz 17 Abr

And I also had a few days ago the story about asking private questions... and this kind of 'contests' is a usual thing here.

Anna30 avatar
Anna30 22 Abr

A very common thing in Armenia :) take it easy :)

Polina25 avatar
Polina25 22 Abr

Pipec rabota :D

Lina25 avatar
Lina25 23 Abr

и не говори ((((((

Daniel16 avatar
Daniel16 25 Abr

зачем работать если можно торговать через Dukascopy?

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Armenian CUISINE:)) PART 2 :)

Hello dear Dukascopy,

Today I want to continue my previous post about Armenian traditional food and dishes, and I want to present to your attention some of the Armenian traditional soups, as well as dairy products, our sweets, and ofcourse the pride of Armenian nation - its cognac or brandy
Let's start from soups:
Please welcome Spas
Spas is a soup type, which is mainly made from tan (Armenian yoghurt drink) or sometimes from matsun (Armenian variety of plain yoghurt)
Next comes Khash - a ver
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Armands avatar
Armands 22 Abr

Yes, I would :) Though I don't look like an Armenian man even from very far distance :)

Dinka avatar
Dinka 22 Abr

ahah :D do u have blonde hair? :)

Armands avatar
Armands 22 Abr

No :) I have a Scandinavian looks cause my grand grand parents are from Germany and Sweden, and from Russia too. And Latvia.

Janake avatar
Janake 22 Abr

garlic and vodka - really ? That's something new!

Lina25 avatar
Lina25 23 Abr

хаха, вижу наш хаш многих шокировал? :)

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The most silly, but FUNNY Holidays in the world :))))

Dear Dukascopy members,
Today I came across a very interesting article about the most incredible, silly, stupid, strange, but at the same time very funny holidays that exist in the world. That article really helped me relax and have fun reading it after a long and hard working day, and not a simple day, but MONDAY That is why I want to share with you my impressions and tell you about several of them
As a continuation to my blog post about virtual vs real communication (http://www.dukascopy.co…
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Sereg123 avatar
Sereg123 15 Abr

Chocolate Day!! that is interesting :)

Anna30 avatar
Anna30 22 Abr

interesting post, thanks :)

Polina25 avatar
Polina25 22 Abr

A kak je bryunetki? :)))

Lina25 avatar
Lina25 23 Abr

День шоколада - классно!!! надо бы запомнить этот день!!!)))))))))

agddivisas avatar

I want to eat that chocolate, looks very good!

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Please welcome ARMENIAN CUISINE!!! :)))) Part 1

Hello dear friends,
I have decided to dedicate this post to Armenian cuisine, since I have got lost of requests from my friends here, and to tell the truth I was really very much happy to see such interest towards the cuisine of my country, since it is a part of our history and culture And I would like to you to understand and feel my country, to have an image what country I come from (though many of you have probably heard and know lots of things about Armenia, still others may have never hea…
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Polina25 avatar
Polina25 22 Abr

Tolma i shashlik - nomer 1 )

Armands avatar
Armands 22 Abr

Khorovats is the same as Shashlik in Russia. Where does it come from originally?

Lina25 avatar
Lina25 23 Abr

уууух, шашлычок :)

Lusine77 avatar
Lusine77 30 Abr


Sabyasachi_Gorai avatar

Hi Dinka, thank you so much for the blog and info on armanian cuisine...loved every bit of it..where can i find more info on the same, Best regards!

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Why do people prefer Internet communication to the real one???

Hello Dukascopy members,
It is a very late hour, but I was just having chat with some of my friends, as well as my new friends here in dukascopy and then an idea struck my mind that nowadays we are so used to and addicted to virtual communication that sometimes we even replace the real communication by the virtual one... ((( and this is actually very sad What about emotions, our mimics, gestures and physical as well as eye contact which is that important during a real conversation between peop…
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Sereg123 avatar
Sereg123 15 Abr

Interesting post! good job :)

Anna30 avatar
Anna30 22 Abr

It is easier to communicate in virtual world :)

Polina25 avatar
Polina25 22 Abr

da mi vse uje davno robotami stali :D

Lina25 avatar
Lina25 23 Abr

можно придумать себе идеальный персонаж :)вот почему!

agddivisas avatar

Prefiero el cara a cara.

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How to spend a USEFUL weekend??? :))

Hello dear friends,
One more hard week behind and finally we have survived until the weekend But today I was thinking that very often personally I and, to my mind, many of us spend our weekend in a very useless way, that is why when I go to work on Monday and my colleagues ask me how i spent my weekend I have nothing more to say than just well, I watched TV, had a long sleep in the mornings, chatted with some friends and that's it (((( So whenever I say that, I realize how sad and useless in …
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Dinka avatar
Dinka 13 Abr

Thanks a lot, Armands! :)) I will certainly write a blog on armenian traditional cuisine dishes one of these days :)

Sereg123 avatar
Sereg123 15 Abr

nice song :)

Anna30 avatar
Anna30 22 Abr

+1 like :)

Polina25 avatar
Polina25 22 Abr

switch off the Internet :D

Lina25 avatar
Lina25 23 Abr

согласна с Полиной :)

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