

San Yin Jiao spot. What is this?

Happy Tuesday Community!
Have you ever heard about San Yin Jiao spot?
Than I am ready to share with you some interesting information, especially for women.
Because San Yin Jiao spot is the secret of women's timeless youth and health.
Where to find this spot?
So, this spot is located on internal side of both calves. It is easy to find. You put your for fingers on your internal side of calve right over ankle and it will be situated over your forefinger right over your ankle.
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月01日

not at all :) the one who doesn't try will never know :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月01日

maximemc8 the best way to protect yourself it is blame others))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月01日

ahahaha im sure you protect yourself very well!! ahahaa

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年04月03日

Oh yeah!! It is my fifth profession)

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年04月07日



What Is Love?

Good Morning Community!
Happy Wednesday))) They say that as the Wednesday is the middle of the week we can call it small Friday)))) Funny, no? I am still in bad enjoying nice view and thinking about human feelings. You know people can feel lots of emotions at the same time, even contradictory. . I always impressed how people can love and hate at the same time. I think I can't. I am able only to love)))))))) At least I believe in it)) LOL
What is Love?
Can someone to give the proper answer to thi
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月13日

Yes it is true)

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2015年03月13日

Yes you got to work in all relationships even friends .You get what you give :) .

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月19日

exaclty !! lots of efforts and compromise.... even if i don't do same compromises in friendship than love... i am less patient with friends.....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月19日

Anyway love relationships are more important than friendship. Always.

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月19日

of course :)))


Gossips. .

Hey Community!
I wonder what do you think about gossips?
You know people are love gossiping between each other! Moreover, men are doing that as often as women. It is totally false opinion that only girls constantly spreads rumors)). But as a girl I can tell you that all of us loves to read all those celebrities gossips in magazines, watch all those scandal tv -shows about celebrity life and so on.
Dear men, if the girl is telling you that she doesn't like it, she is fake woman than! LOL
We love
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月12日

Ты знаешь, я  с тобой полностью согласна. Я жуть как это е люблю. Я все время столько нового о себе узнаю, что скоро сама себе начну завидовать!

Golda avatar
Golda 2015年03月12日

У меня есть для этого уже свой метод, что ли, если не могу не быть на виду у сплетников и сплетниц, а мужчины так же сплетники ...еще те, то просто ограничиваюсь полной нейтральностью.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月12日

согласна. нет ничего лучше ИГНОРА!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年03月13日

you better stay there JuliaBF.... world is mine ahahah :p or maybe you want to join my world.....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月20日

Sounds interesting maximemc8


What Is Real Relationships?

Hello Community!
How are you doing? What is perfect relationships for you? I am very interesting in question what the couple need to create those perfect relationships?
I believe that not man or woman should make his/her partner brake the rules or principles or views he or she was educated with. Of course any relationships are about to be flexible and find compromises easily but what to do if two people stuck at one level and can't go ahead anymore?
There are no ideal people exist in the world
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月09日

Thats a really wise thoughts verindur!

verindur avatar
verindur 2015年03月10日

Julia, People have collected Money in Life. And I have collected Wisdom. Money will automatically follow. Money was never priority in my Life and never will be. God has always blessed me with enough whether I deserved it or not. So I am pretty cool on that issue. All the stupidity in the World is for Power and Money. And I stay away from that kind of clash. I am happy to live like a normal human being with no/low  profile. I have a few things to do. After that I will disappear from here also. )))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月10日

verindur you have amazing life position and strong personality. Nowadays there are only few people like you  left in this world of materialism.

verindur avatar
verindur 2015年03月10日

And also there are a few intelligent people like you. My feeling is people know and understand everything. But when its time to act in the right way they just don't do it.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年03月10日

yeah. it is like freezing. . Shame if to be honest


Ни о чем не жалейте!

Доброго всем выходного дня друзья!
Сегодня последний день зимы и с наступлением нового, теплого времени года охота, как обычно, приятных перемен в жизни! Ну по крайней мере, так обычно происходит )))))
Тепло всегда придает силу и энергию! Люди становятся добрее и улыбчивее, знакомства происходят легче да и контакт между людьми в целом становится проще!
У меня с прошлой весны в жизни произошло столько перемен, сколько за всю мою сознательную жизнь не происходило. К сожалению, не только хороших но
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What is the Dream?

Hello My Dear Friends))
Have you ever heard the phrase "Dreams usually comes true as soon as you stop to want it?". Have you ever noticed such phenomenon in your life?
Me yes.
Yesterday I realized that my dream that I was strongly dreaming about few years ago came true and I didn't even notice it because I put myself deeply in daily routine and switched on my brains to the totally different things.....
So now I have a question. What is the dream? Is it something that we want every single day and
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VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2015年02月24日

I am happy for you, dear :))) This is the biggest hapiness - when your dream come true.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月24日

Thanks VV))))))))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月25日

So as there is no secrets here.... please can you share which dreams cames true in your life? ahhaah :))))
could be interesting as well to make a blog about what is ideal daily routine for you.... we are all very curious :))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月25日

Ahahah maximemc8 I will think over your request)))))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月25日

can't wait!!!


Some Useful Tips To Remove Stress

Good Morning Community!
How often do you feel yourself stressed during the day time, especially traders? Every day we meet different situations in our life which makes us lose control of our inner serenity. But today we have no time for that and we need to know how to handle it fast and easy. There are some technics which will help you to make your mind and body up in a short period of time:

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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月20日

It is really works Victoria)))))))))))) especially meditation and sport!

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2015年02月20日

JuliaBF 100% agree with you

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月23日

Sex and Chocolate is the best destress solution :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月23日

maximemc8 Let's add point 9 to my list)))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月24日

there is chocolate body painting if you prefer ahahhaah :p


Why We Are Arguing For? . .

Good evening Community...)
My question of the day today is why we are arguing for with our second half? I was looking for the answer all day long and you know what? I think I found the answer ))
There are two option exist:
  1. You both are completely not suits to each other. You have different life views, life styles, life directions and so on (which, I hope, not about none of us)
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月23日

LOL maximemc8 I will keep it in secret))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月24日

there is no secret possible in this blog.....

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月24日

as you recently said in your hand bag task... no secret for us :ppppp

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月24日

AAAARRRRR maximemc8 The tongue is my enemy))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月25日



What Behind The Tears?

Good Morning Community!
Have you ever thought why do people cry? Of course there can be many reasons such as happiness or sadness and many other. However, I am sure you noticed that some people always shows their emotions and cry but other hides everything inside. So there is a question: What is better? As for me I belong to the first category of people..... I am very sensitive and always crying, especially when someones hurts me. They say that you have to be strong and never show your weakness
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verindur avatar
verindur 2015年02月18日

Here's a Towel for you. ))))) Agree let the emotions pour out of you instead of keeping it inside.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月18日

Ahhh thanks verindur))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月23日

Everyone need to cry, this is human ....can be sadness or happiness, i have seen both in my life.
Everybody is different and have a different degree of sensitivity.
For some reason or missunderstood, bad behavior or someone death people can cry.
But one thing is sure is that - don't let people make you cry of sadness....they don't have the right and life is too short for that....


Place to Live........

Hey Community, have you ever thought about where would you like to live? I don't think that all people in the world are satisfied with the place of their birth or place where they are living for the moment. . I just wonder what is yours criteria for the best place to live? What are you dreaming about? As for me, despite on the fact that I love my country and city a lot, I would like to live in the place without seasons and very close to the sea. It is amazing feeling to go outside in the middle
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VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 2015年02月18日

I have the same critera - would like to live in the place without -20 and winter... and all those "Br-r-r-r-r"

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月23日

nice place ! enjoy vitamine D !!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2015年02月23日

thanks maximemc)))) that is what I'm actually doing almost every day)))) meao!

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 2015年02月24日

you are lucky !! enjoy those moments !! actually i am enjoying the neon light of my office .... not the same vitamines ahahahah :p
