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Wrecking Ball by man:D

«Wrecking Ball» - the song of American singer Miley Cyrus from their fourth studio album Bangerz. The single was released by RCA Records August 24, 2013 as the second single for the future LP. The video clip to the Wrecking Ball went to rent September 9th, 2013. He was filled with close-ups crying Cyrus and replaced by episodes where the singer naked astride a swinging ball Baba. With regard to the views of critics of the clip is also divided, some appreciated the differences from the previous w…
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Sharpshooter avatar

Ужасное зрелище((  Меня кривило(( Хотя, музыка хорошая...

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 22 9月

Sharpshooter извини;с шутка на любителя:))

Sharpshooter avatar

Ну, наверно, реакции разные бывают..) Для меня он как та бородатая девушка из Евровидения.. Продвигают в массы плохое(( ПРодвинуть не сложно -накрутка просмотров. А другие смотрят, потому что он в топе(( Мир сошел сума

fxsurprise8 avatar


RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 24 9月

Yah, that is a weird re-make of the song


The most patient cat in the world

The most patient cat in the world
Of course I could not do posts without the video with pets!;-)) And below you can see the video in which the baby hugs its cat. But the cat does not scratch and does not bite, he just resigned to his fate:-D in fact, this kid reminds me myself in my 22 years old:-D I also hug my cats like this every day)) What could be better than a hugging of fat tum of your pets? ^__^ Of course as an adult, I do not do it as much as when I was little girl :3
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DumbAsArock avatar


Elens94 avatar
Elens94 14 9月

DumbAsArock that's seems a miracle to meet such a patient cat,yes?;)

DumbAsArock avatar

I've got two cats, Lena. Either one would have torn that baby to shreds!

Elens94 avatar
Elens94 14 9月

DumbAsArock ahah!) I also have 2 cats:)) One of them is such a patient as a cat in video and second is absolutly not:))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 17 9月

my cat does not like to be hugged...only scratched


Защита кибер класс!:D

А сегодня я хочу показать вам очередной безумный ролик, это пародия на рекламу антивируса. Точнее, насколько я поняла это высмеивание плохих антивирусов компанией Kaspersky. СУПЕР бесплатный антивирус AVOS - защита кибер-класс!
Уничтожает некоторые вирусы! Свежие антивирусные данные за 2010 год! Загружает процессор всего на 70%! Бесплатное премиум качество! Свежие антивирусные данные базы за 2010 год! Уничтожает некоторые вирусы ОН!
Ужасный хромакей в сочетании со странным главным героем данного…
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williamb avatar
williamb 14 9月

funny video

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 17 9月

nice video



Hey, friends! :-D
Do you have a printer? Have you encountered any problems using it? I yes. And if you too you will understand this funny video:-D It often happens when you have to print your important documents or useful sheets and BAM...no needed drivers (but they exists!) Soooo you find it again and install them again aaaand... THE PRINTER NOW JUST IGNORE YOU! I liked how in this video was beaten this situation in a very funny way, and I hope you will enjoy the video t…
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FXRabbit avatar
FXRabbit 14 9月

:P I hate low ink!!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 17 9月

well, low ink is only one of the many items we have to deal with in life


Minute for Humor)))))

Hello Community!
It is Friday and weekend is coming !! Whoohoo !!!!!!!
So as it is already Friday's afternoon and the day coming to the end we already can relax a bit after hard working week )) I ready to help you! I have told you before that smile is the medicine from everything so the more you laughing the more healthy you are! Please watch the video and smile, smile, smile !! I think everyone already watched clip SIA " Chandelier" with participation of already famous 11-years old girl dancer.
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verindur avatar
verindur 27 2月

Gud 1. Excellent Spirit )))))))))))))).

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 28 2月


demovslive avatar
demovslive 28 2月

fun...i like it :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 3月

demovslive Happy you like it! I love such TV shows which makes me laugh for a while))))

maximemc8 avatar

ahahah amazing!


You better work!

Make them work for it.
Do you have teens?
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