The most patient cat in the world
Of course I could not do posts without the video with pets!;-)) And below you can see the video in which the baby hugs its cat. But the cat does not scratch and does not bite, he just resigned to his fate:-D in fact, this kid reminds me myself in my 22 years old:-D I also hug my cats like this every day)) What could be better than a hugging of fat tum of your pets? ^__^ Of course as an adult, I do not do it as much as when I was little girl :3
Of course I could not do posts without the video with pets!;-)) And below you can see the video in which the baby hugs its cat. But the cat does not scratch and does not bite, he just resigned to his fate:-D in fact, this kid reminds me myself in my 22 years old:-D I also hug my cats like this every day)) What could be better than a hugging of fat tum of your pets? ^__^ Of course as an adult, I do not do it as much as when I was little girl :3