JuliaBF's Blog


Beautiful Skin. What You Should Never Forget??

Hey Community!
I would like to devote this blog to the topic of Beauty of the skin. Usually in magazines, we are reading what shall we do to look pretty or which product is better to use in this or that case. I want to be special and don't want to follow stereotypes ))) Thats why I want to tell what you SHOULDN'T DO in order to keep a perfect condition of your skin. In fact, I am talking about not only the face but about skin in general and, of course, men should pay attention on this to
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

Я согласна с тобой anna_t!! Но уход из -вне для кожи необходим не меньше))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

maximemc8 yes, actors and singers for example)

maximemc8 avatar

ahahaha and some very crazy about their own beauty... i have one libanese friend that put some powder when he has red spot on face or any marks ahaha

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

looolllll maximemc8 you see men can be different!

maximemc8 avatar

oh yeah some are more feminin .... ahah

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Water Is Life!

Good Evening))
As tonight I devoted my blogs to the topic about useful habits and healthy eating I would also like to remind you the importance of drinking enough water. You have to drink 1,5 -2 liters per day of pure water. Be careful with your health. If you don't do it, you will get next problems:
  • Dehydration of the body
  • Bad metabolism
  • Slower brains functioning
  • You will eat more
  • Dehydration of the skin
  • You will look more wrinkled
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maximemc8 avatar

whatever girls ... wine is better !

anna_t avatar
anna_t 8 Apr

я просто взглянула на картинку и представила как я пью воду с крана. скорее я заложница ассоциаций ) я знаю, что даже у блондинок волосы желтеют от воды с крана, до такой степени ржавые трубы

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

Ничего себе!!!!!!! В любом случае даже бутылочная вода с половины напичкана антибиотиками, но все же нужно пробовать и находить то, что подходит нашему организму больше всего!))

anna_t avatar
anna_t 8 Apr

да, согласна, что воду пичкают таблетками, такое же и про молоко слышала. мне очень нравится вода которая течет по трубам в Карпатах) она такая мягенькая для кожи, совсем не сушит) ее даже пить смело можно)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

У моих родителей за городом тоже крутая вода  из своей скважины. . Даже как -то странно себя чувствую когда наливаю ее из крана))

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San Yin Jiao spot. What is this?

Happy Tuesday Community!
Have you ever heard about San Yin Jiao spot?
Than I am ready to share with you some interesting information, especially for women.
Because San Yin Jiao spot is the secret of women's timeless youth and health.
Where to find this spot?
So, this spot is located on internal side of both calves. It is easy to find. You put your for fingers on your internal side of calve right over ankle and it will be situated over your forefinger right over your ankle.
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maximemc8 avatar

not at all :) the one who doesn't try will never know :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 1 Apr

maximemc8 the best way to protect yourself it is blame others))))

maximemc8 avatar

ahahaha im sure you protect yourself very well!! ahahaa

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Apr

Oh yeah!! It is my fifth profession)

maximemc8 avatar


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Water With Lemon And Honey. Benefits.

Hello Community!
I have a question. . How do you usually start your day?
They say that the best way to make your body wake up and work in the morning is to have a glass of water. It can be room temperature water, warm or water with lemon or. . . WATER WITH LEMON AND HONEY!
If you want to say fit and healthy this is the best way to start your day.

  • Helps to lose weight
  • Improves functioning of the colum
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 20 Mar

просто, вкусно и полезно)

maximemc8 avatar

This is very usefull it is true

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 20 Mar

yep))) and tasty)

verindur avatar
verindur 23 Mar

Thanks Doc : ))))))))))

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Brains Fitness (Part 2)

Hello there Dears))))))
How was your Monday? Good?
In continuation to my previous blog and today's webinar I would like to tell you a bit more about ways to train your brains, improve memory and develop concentration.

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maximemc8 avatar

come over my office for one day !! i will wash your brain ahahahah

CriticalSection avatar

great points, I personally need more of number 2:)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 19 Mar

Welcome back CriticalSection! Nice to see you again))))))))

CriticalSection avatar

Thank you beautiful)))

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Brains Fitness

Hello Community!
How are you doing today? Hopefully you have an amazing Monday))
You know that our brains are need always to be in shape as the rest of the body. Being active, having healthy way of life, doing sport are far not enough for our cerebra activity. There are so many easy ways to storm your brain a bit and training your memory every day. About main of them in details I will tell you in my webinar today. But! I offer you to start your fitness for brains just right now )) I am gonna giv
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 21 Mar

Но все же)) Во всем есть своя изюминка)

verindur avatar
verindur 23 Mar

I don't prefer Brain Exercises. They are against peace and create an active Brain. Which will not allow you to sleep or relax eventually. ))

maximemc8 avatar

i have no time for now JuliaBF and my brain is enought full of infos but it might help me somehow one day....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 23 Mar

ahhhh..... Excuses....)))) lol

maximemc8 avatar

this only because of you and because you deserve it that i take some time during my day to comment your blogs :)))

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Open Air Workout VS Gym

Hey Community!
Most of us a working out regularly and I wonder which kind of sport do you prefer? Despite on a kind of sport you do, did you know that that the most amazing way to do it is open air? If you have opportunity to make it, do it! You will have faster and better results as for body as for health as well. Why?

  • You are not under air conditioner
  • You breath fresh air with no bacterias around
  • You improve your stamina
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JockPippin avatar

Don't let one bad experience put you off .That was just your body getting tougher lol . I don't know it's just a buzz ,a rush and after you can go home and have a hot bath and then drink some hot chocolate :) .

maximemc8 avatar

work out outside is always the best !!! i love it.... seaside especialy.... im trying to do it regularely...

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar

Yes JockPippin! Hot chocolate is amazing decision after running session))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar

Good boy maximemc8!

maximemc8 avatar

yes i am :)

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Some Useful Tips To Remove Stress

Good Morning Community!
How often do you feel yourself stressed during the day time, especially traders? Every day we meet different situations in our life which makes us lose control of our inner serenity. But today we have no time for that and we need to know how to handle it fast and easy. There are some technics which will help you to make your mind and body up in a short period of time:

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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 20 Feb

It is really works Victoria)))))))))))) especially meditation and sport!

VictoriaVika avatar

JuliaBF 100% agree with you

maximemc8 avatar

Sex and Chocolate is the best destress solution :)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 23 Feb

maximemc8 Let's add point 9 to my list)))))

maximemc8 avatar

there is chocolate body painting if you prefer ahahhaah :p

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117 Ways to Open Your Brains Abilities (part 2)

Good Evening Community!
There is a continuation of my previous blog))

  1. learn the technique of dynamic reading
  2. define your own technique of learning something new
  3. learn the method of defining the week day for any date
  4. try to estimate the period of time by feelings
  5. do an approximate calculation of everything
  6. start to love mathematics (everything about numbers and calculations)
  7. try always memorize everything
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VictoriaVika avatar

!!!!! Нумерация строк позволяет видеть большую часть блога, даже не открывая его. Открытие :)
И информация полезная, как всегда, спасибо!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 28 Gen

Спасибо))))))) Кстати говоря, для меня это тоже открытие)

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117 Ways to Open Your Brains abilities (part 1)

Good Morning Community!
How are you today? We have grey and cloudy morning in Kiev and I even can feel a light headache because of low pressure. For me it is hard to feel myself refreshed in such weather but still I got an interesting information and ready to share it with you straight away!
Do you know that the brain of normal person is working only for 5% of its abilities. I am not talking now about genius people. In fact, brains like a muscle. You are training -it is growing. So you c
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Olga18375 avatar

Сто процентов, мозг нужно периодически тренировать! Иначе он расслабляется! А нужно его держать в стрессе, чтобы он активнее работал))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 28 Gen

Ну может не прям в стрессе но в тонусе точно))))))))

verindur avatar
verindur 28 Gen

Simple. Get yourself into Forex. It will swing your brain 360 degrees for sure. ))))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 28 Gen

ahahahahah verindur))) it is a real brain storming!

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