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Падение ВВП Греции в 3-м квартале было сильнее

Экономика Греции сократилась в третьем квартале более быстрыми темпами, чем ожидалось ранее, и сокращение было худшим с начала 2013 года, показали последние данные от Греческой статистической службы, опубликованные в пятницу. С учетом сезонных колебаний ВВП снизился на 0,9 процента со второго квартала, когда экономика расширилась на 0,3 процента. Предварительный отчет, выпущенный 13 ноября, оценивал падение за третий квартал в 0,5 процента, а рост за второй квартал на 0,4 процента.
Экономика со…
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Кредиторы Греции вновь помогут стране

Греческие кредиторы сочли необходимым предоставить Греции 12 млрд евро в качестве кредитных средств. Об этом заявили в Совете министерства финансов государств зоны евро. В Еврогруппе отметили, что в ходе наблюдения была замечена реализация властями страны первого этапа реформ в финансовом секторе, необходимых для осуществления рекапитализации банковских учреждений. В министерстве утверждают, что всеобщая работа привела к эффективному результату. Стоит отметить, что сегодня, 23 ноября, должно быт…
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Slow Week Coming Up!

A slow week is coming up for the forex market. After the conclusion of the all-important FOMC meeting on Thursday, we will back to the usual snooze-fest.
On Sunday we have Greek elections but this should have no material impact on the Euro. As this year has demonstrated, no matter which party gets elected, they will eventually tow the EU line.
Monday and Tuesday there is literally nothing to trade on. The pairs should still be reeling from the volatility caused by the FOMC meeting.
On Wednesday …
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EUR/CHF breaks above June high

EUR/CHF broke above June high (~1.0575) last week but pulled back below it ahead of the weekend. The pair traded above the level overnight and is so far holding up well. With the Greek risk out of the way for now, demand for safe haven lessened. Potential SNB buying in the dips may also play a role of supporting the bullish sentiment.
If the pair continues higher we may see a retest of 1.08 in the days ahead. The next targets would then be 200 DMA (~1.0940) and 76.4% retracement of the January 1…
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Greece next Lehman Brothers Event?

This is just and extracted post from my latest article which you can find it here: Greece next Lehman Brothers Event?
  • FX Market - Risk Aversion

Markets have consistently experienced " 100-year events" every five years. Paul Tudor Jones

They say the Black Swan events are characterized by rarity and extreme impact and once again the financial markets are proving this to be wrong as theory has nothing to do with reality. Not so long ago we had the SNB event which disrupted the market activ…
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Stix avatar
Stix 14 Jul

Hahaha ! Now that's good business ! :) :)

Daytrader21 avatar

It's always a pleasure doing business with you:)

Stix avatar
Stix 15 Jul

I scored on both ends of that deal !  Hahaha ! Honesty, I thought it an excellent Article since planning ahead affords peace of mind, which is really beneficial. Personally, I don't have enough years of experience, so the input was really helpful. All in all, it was a good trade ! Thanks so much. :) :)

Daytrader21 avatar

Always glad to hear when people actually can learn something from my work, this means that i'm not writing in vain. Thanks

Stix avatar
Stix 15 Jul

The Articles are excellent for me because I learn a lot, as with the blogs. Even if some writings are not always agreeable with one's own thoughts, they are good for purposes of reminding oneself of lessons learned and exposure to new ideas. It's never in vain, in my opinion. Here, I remember how little experience I have and how deeply I am engrossed in the detail, at present, so will give some time to forward planning, as a result. I appreciate that - since that is the direction, once the initial work is done. Thanks again. Much appreciated and well written. :) :)

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Greek deal closer

It seems that a deal was reached between EU and Greece, but it is still subject to approval from the Greek government. The conditions for the third bailout are much harsher than those rejected by the Greek people on the referendum and even if the government approves them, that by any means won't be the end of the story.
Now that some uncertainty is out of the way, currencies appear to be returning back to trading fundamentals. EUR/USD sold off while GBP/USD, USD/JPY and USD/CHF rallied. In line …
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Greek Negotiations Not Going Well

The negotiations on the 3rd Greek bailout in five years are not going well. A hardline camp led by Germany expressed serious reservations about the Greek proposal. Trust has been destroyed by the Greek attempts to play chicken with the Eurogroup in the past few months. Now even after they've done a complete U-turn, the Germans are not buying it.
According to newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, the German goverment floated the idea of a 5-year Euro hiatus for Greece. Given the recen…
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Yen bounces overnight

After nearly 200 pip fall yesterday, the pair found support in 120.40 - 120.70 band in US afternoon. It then rallied in Asian session, in line with slightly better sentiment with regard to Greece and stabilization in Chinese stocks.
It is now back above 100 DMA which has been reinforced by Weekly Support 2, Monthly Support 1 and 121.00 big figure level. First stronger resistance is seen at previous support between 121.90 and 122.05 (March high, Previous Week Low, Weekly Support 1, Daily Resistan…
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Greece continues to take the limelight.

The debt crisis in Greece is far from being over and a prolonged stalemate might mean that the markets will be more volatile in the coming weeks. With most analyst already pricing in the base case of a Greece Euro exit, the stalemate might mean that Greece might be preparing for a smooth transition out of the euro with the banks remaining closed for the second week and the markets closed.
Today the Finance minister asked for a three-year programme, from the bailout fund (the European Stability M
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Stopped Out of Euro Short, Again

I took only 1 trade today, Euro short. I used the EUR/HKD and exited at a small gain, close to breakeven. I can't tell you the exact prices because some parts of the Dukascopy community don't work atm.
Tonight we have the RBA meeting at 12:30 PM EST, 6:30 AM CET for us Europeans. While the Bank is expected to keep rates on hold, surprises are possible. I'm biased to the short side in this pair. On Tuesday we will have another round of meetings between Eurogroup members. Greece is supposed to sen…
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