annatimone's Blog


What to expect from Mr. Governor?

This time of year is commonly known as `the silly season` in the UK, as nothing much tends to come out of government, lots of people are away, and the news media tends to get a bit desperate for substantive content. So it seems that when Mr. Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, spoke last week, there was no shortage of comment. From my angle, he did nothing unexpected, and as suggested, his `forward guidance` told us little new and was subject to several caveats. The link to unemploy…
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mag avatar
mag 13 Ago

It is true, given the doubt prevention in the worst of situations.If it also matches whereas the least, it seems that Murphy's law is met.

annatimone avatar

I agree. I hate to be a pessimist, but it’s good to expect and prepare for the worst. And hope and pray for the best.

Erialda avatar
Erialda 14 Ago

great article...

annatimone avatar

Thank you very much, Erialda.

sircris avatar
sircris 15 Ago

Very professional post. +1

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Greek Q2 2013 GDP beats expectations

Seasonally unadjusted GDP comes in at -4.6% from -5.0% exp giving a sliver good news to the ailing country. Greece also confirmed a primary budget surplus of €2.6bn for the year to July. It’s not all good news though as the figures follow news that Greek unemployment up to 27.6% (record high) in May from 26.0% in April. There’s 1.38m unemployed to 3.62m employed, but there is also 3.32m non-economically active. According to …
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annatimone avatar

You know, when I lived in Russia, the entire idea of credit didn’t exist. So, what happens if people don’t pay loan back to the bank? In the US your credit history is ruined and you cannot get any future credit and you pretty much cannot do anything. US is credit based system. If I’m not mistaken, Russia is cash based system. That is, if you have cash of course. So, in Russia if you don’t pay loan back to the bank what penalties can you expect? Or what incentives people have to pay loan back?

Nadin5794 avatar

absolutely agree

Nadin5794 avatar

банки пытаются выстроить подобную систему регулирования кредитной истории в России,но из за несогласованности их действий получается абсолютная неразбериха,люди берут по несколько кредитов и не несут за это ответственность....к тому же банки существенно завышают процентную ставку,это также плохо сказывается на возвратности кредитов...по сути вгоняют людей в долги как и у вас но пока не так жёстко..

annatimone avatar

Ok, I see. US has well a developed banking and legal systems. Besides the credit history, US legal system provides a lot of remedies to the lender and some protection to the borrower. Plus, don’t forget that US established and developed these systems over centuries and not over night, like Russia is trying to do. In the US generations grew up in this system, so there are certain expectations of responsibilities. And still, US has a lot of problems with borrowing. I can’t even imagine what it’s like in Russia. Thank you for sharing, Nadia. I learned a lot.

Nadin5794 avatar


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