This time of year is commonly known as `the silly season` in the UK, as nothing much tends to come out of government, lots of people are away, and the news media tends to get a bit desperate for substantive content. So it seems that when Mr. Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, spoke last week, there was no shortage of comment. From my angle, he did nothing unexpected, and as suggested, his `forward guidance` told us little new and was subject to several caveats. The link to unemploy…
Greek Q2 2013 GDP beats expectations
Seasonally unadjusted GDP comes in at -4.6% from -5.0% exp giving a sliver good news to the ailing country. Greece also confirmed a primary budget surplus of €2.6bn for the year to July. It’s not all good news though as the figures follow news that Greek unemployment up to 27.6% (record high) in May from 26.0% in April. There’s 1.38m unemployed to 3.62m employed, but there is also 3.32m non-economically active. According to …