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EUR/USD Bull Trap (Part 2)

If you have been following my blog yesterday I've made a prediction on EUR/USD saying that we're heading lower and the spike up that happened during the yesterday's London session is just a bull trap, you can check out my blog post here: EUR/USD Bull Traps
Now we can look back and see how price action developed after I've made that prediction. In Figure 1 you can see the chart that I was posting it yesterday. At that point I said the fact that we couldn't close above the resistance level and …
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EUR/USD Bull Traps

This morning just after the London open some market commentary were crossing the market from ECB's Nowotny who said:" The outlook for Europe as a whole is much better than a year ago; monetary policy has contributed substantially to economic recovery; it’s a positive sign that banks are repaying long-term funding; ECB prepared to be watchful; helpful for interest rate policy if price stability ensured; sees neither inflation or deflation in short or medium term for Eurozone."
And it seems that …
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