Nowdays become very popular getting news, finding needed information via internet using some devices: tablets, phone, notebooks and etc..
And i have tried to remember when i used newspaper or magazine to find information, to get latest news, to stay at the center of action....And can't remember:-(
BUt using books in electronic form is not acceptable for me... Because using papered book is so comfortable...the smell of book is irreplaceable....
I am from the generation who also tried to use KINDLE even phone to read the book.... But emotions and impact of e-book is very different from real book....To my thoughts it is like communication between two people....Eye contact, gestures can't be replaced with electronic smiles....
And like that is real need to feel it, to be contacted with it....You can get like house on fire with characters of the book and live their lifes with them.
Even my friends know that getting book is always pleasure for me and some days ago i had got a book as a present. I have begun reading it already...After i will share my opinion concerning with this book:-)))

Have a nice day....and always keep in touch with good news, good people, good books....
May all news be happy and familiar with ur needs and expectations:-)>>>>
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