I visited Switzerland for the first time in my life when i was 11 years old. In those time i was just a schoolgirl and studied German very intensively. My parents offered me to explore the culture of the country which is not very closely, but all the same, bound up with the German language. As far as i know, there are 4 official languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh. So, i tried to use my German to improve communication skills.
Unfortunately, many years have passed since those days, and I've forgotten a lot of. Nevertheless I captured in photos the most touching moments. Thanks to these photos vivid images from the past emerge before my eyes.
I remember hospitable and friendly people, they were also open minded and very positive. I had been living for a couple days in a family. Melany and Kevin Onken were my friends and first guides in Switzerland. We visited many interesting places and popular tourist attractions.
I was very impressed by the fantastic mountain view of Switzerland, especially the Alps. Earlier I had never seen before such high mountains.
I remember that we also visited the chocolate factory, where i was a great chocolate expert. No, that wasn't a dream. Now with the help of Internet I can say without any doubt - this place exists!
We spent a lot of time in Ascona. There we were even going to school, where studied the German language.
Since then, i have never been in Switzerland again, but i have visited other European countries. All these memories will stay with me for life.

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