Hello, dear community! Thank you for such a wonderful question and task! I strongly believe that everything that happens to us is or some reason and anyway will have an influence on our life! Firstly, I'd like to thank you all Dukascopy world for being a part of my life! I can see how strongly and professionally work this team and I'm so appreciated for this! It is always interesting to be in the contest, because all the tasks are amazing! They taught me how to help people, how to enjoy my life, how to write fast in english and sometimes in spanish and german in chats. Writing texts of these tasks I realized how unbelievably great and colored my life is. It is hard to understand that, doing the same things from day to day. But when you can find a minute and remember everything that happens to you during some period of time you start to understand that it isn't boring at all!)) Also, I like to write my blog ad share with all of you with different, and hope interesting for everybody, information. I don't like being stuck on the one place, I like to develop myself and go further and further. So this Duascopy blog teaches me a lot and I'm so happy about this! Maybe I'm already too smart, lol, but from the other hand it's never enough or too much!)) Moreover, I like to communicate with people and there are a lot of very interesting, nice and kind people here. I made a good friendship with some of them and I can't imagine my life now not knowing them! I even think that one of them knows now about my life even more than my closest best friends.) Here I learned that support can make us very happy and I like this feeling that we are a team and that we are not alone in this world! Do you remember the statement - Nokia - connecting people? No, Dukascopy - this is what really connects all of us! So, I'm so so thankful that I have a chance to be here, learn a lot of new, open for myself the world of trading, fashion and the whole new life! Thank you so much, everyone, and Marry Christmas and Happy New Year! XO-XO

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