Large role in networking skills plays coincidence, luck,"chemistry", interests...there is no 100% success formula for networking. There are many different suggestions for how to act, behave, what to talk about and so on.

To leave a good first impression is very important and this border to leave good or not so good impression at the first time is very fragile. Even a small detail can spoil the first impression.

Usually classic advices are - be nice, smile, don't talkabout sensitive things (family, religion, politics - but I would like to say, if you feel that the conversation is on the same "wave" or you feel "chemistry" than sometimes you can also touch these themes) etc.

Some thoughts about my recommendations ... of course a smile is one of the keys to conversation, but don't forget to be natural, don't overdo! I don't know what think or feel others, but I have very good sense of people, and I don't like fake laughter, smiles or joy. If I feel that conversation partner is fake, I'm nice and polite, but I don't consider to cooperate with him. Sometimes life makes you to
communicate with that kind of people, because otherwise things doesn't go forward. But if I have a choice, I always prefer real (true) people.

It depends on situation, but sometimes you have to make interest in others, and sometimes during the meeting you have to feel (fit in) conversation partners interests. The good skill is being able to tell them what they want or expect to hear.

You should carefully listen to your partner and show your interest. Think carefully about, what you want to say and be sure of what you say.

The conversation should be positive. Don't talk about negative things, failures and problems in first meeting...actually it is always
better to talk about something positive.

You shouldn't pretend or perform to other person. Be like you are, be real! If you don't known something or if you aren't competent enough, either don't take part in conversation or say that you aren't enough competent and show an interest in learning more about this topic.

I think that intelligence is very important! Of course also your mind is important , but I would like to put intelligence in the first place. Because it is difficult to create a successful conversation if the person is only smart but not intelligent. Ideally, if you have both of these qualities.

And of course, a very important thing is image and appearance. I'm thinking here about clean and tidy appearance and suitable, clean clothes.

I'm not a $ - I can't be liked by everyone, but luckily, I usually manage to leave a good impression.

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