I want to share with you some interesting fact that i have found out recently:-) It was really interesting for me....
- If you put a can of DIET Coke in water, it floats. regular Coca-cola sinks. (to be honest i havn't tried it yet):-))))
- Apparently, if you eat a Polar Bears liver, you will die of vitamin A overdose
- If you combine aaaaall the ants in the world, they'll weigh about the same as if you combine all the people
- the flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down:-)
- There are 18.6 million vacant homes in America. There are 3.1 million homeless people:-((((( it is very upside down fact:-(
- Snail can sleep for more than 3 years at a time.
- The air quality of Mumbai is so bad, it is equivalent to smoking 2*1/2 packs of cigarettes a day
- baby rabits are called: KITTENS:-)heheee