We all know the benefits of tea, and a lot of the girls often write a blog about it. I decided to check "black side" of tea and that's what I found...
Do not drink tea on an empty stomach. In China since ancient times advised "not to drink tea on an empty heart," and doctors advise on an empty stomach to drink only water. Tea can harm the spleen.
Do not drink scalding tea. Long-term use of very hot tea can lead to changes in the stomach. According to foreign studies, frequent tea drinking temperature above 62 degrees leads to increased vulnerability of the stomach wall and gives the symptoms of various diseases of the stomach. The temperature of the tea should not exceed 56 degrees.
Do not drink too strong tea. The high content of caffeine and tannin in strong tea can cause headaches and insomnia.
Do not drink tea immediately after a meal. (!!!) Any excessive drinking immediately after a meal results in a significant decrease in the concentration of gastric juice, and it slows down digestion and breaks down all of the digestive system, it is better to do it in 20-30 minutes after eating.

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