My name is Gaby Reiman, I am a young woman from 20 years old. I live in Amsterdam The Netherlands but i was born in Thailand.My mother was in love with a Dutch man but he already had children and a wife so i was at first a mistake ! haha. Than my mom dated a English guy but he got in jail for driving drunk, than later she meet a dutch guy again the married in The Netherlands and i was going to live there. So from there I lived in The netherlands at my 6th year they separate and i stayed with the ex-husband of my mother and my little half sister Kelly-noon. After a couple of year later i went to live at His parents house and when i was 15 i went out of house and go on my own. And now i am a entrepreneur creatieve soul, very spontaneous and when something is in my mind i am willing to do it the second i have thought it.
I really want to do a Fashion school! so i am trying my best to collect money for the school! that is my goal for september. When i was younger i did soccer and i was very good at it, it was my life i played soccer on a high level, but because i am a woman not al the soccer clubs are supporting young woman at the time i went from house i stopt soccer because it was to expensive for me.
With my personality i got in a lot of problems but i also got a lot things i want that others get jealous of, just because i go for my goals how hard it is! everybody can do it just feel the strength and do not fear for making mistakes, because it's oke to make mistakes so the next time it wil go better, or not you don't know but you are on the right way.
I had some hard times in my life because grown ups where making mistakes for me! now i can make mistakes for myself and i love it haha. But i also have some lovely times times i want to put the remembers in a box to never forget them.
I think one of the best moments in my life are the moments when you are proud at yourself with the thing you reach what cost a lot of time and emotional sides of you.
I also love to do charity work! it really gives you a great feeling i mis it so much that people are helping each other with that kind of great love, i am always trying to help.
When i was younger i was a Tomboy i played with boys toys weare boys clothes and almost pie like a boy ( ALMOST haha) than when i got a teenager i love the hiphop scene and i really went in the direction of being a streetchick, and the school i was on was with rich children with fancy brand clohtes everybody looks the same , not a lot cultures just all Dutch people so i was real shocking for my students haha. Later when i get over being the streetchick i went to do some photoshoot i always wanted to do a photoshoot but i was to insecure! but than i just went to do it and now i am really a girly girl haha people from years before don't even recognize me they are like, how come you where so tuff and now you are talking about your nails and heels hahah so that is very funny to hear.
If i see what kind of changes i make in life i am wondering what will happend about some years to come! sometimes when i am thinking it's like i am doing nothing in life than life is preparing you for all the things to come because sometimes you need that break. And if you are hoping for a lot things don't be scared and think you don't deserve the things you hope! if you are going for it than things will happend the energie will bring you there ! believe me. Not always but if you keep it in mind it will happend , or it will happend in a way you are happy with it at the end.

I really want to do a Fashion school! so i am trying my best to collect money for the school! that is my goal for september. When i was younger i did soccer and i was very good at it, it was my life i played soccer on a high level, but because i am a woman not al the soccer clubs are supporting young woman at the time i went from house i stopt soccer because it was to expensive for me.

With my personality i got in a lot of problems but i also got a lot things i want that others get jealous of, just because i go for my goals how hard it is! everybody can do it just feel the strength and do not fear for making mistakes, because it's oke to make mistakes so the next time it wil go better, or not you don't know but you are on the right way.
I had some hard times in my life because grown ups where making mistakes for me! now i can make mistakes for myself and i love it haha. But i also have some lovely times times i want to put the remembers in a box to never forget them.
I think one of the best moments in my life are the moments when you are proud at yourself with the thing you reach what cost a lot of time and emotional sides of you.
I also love to do charity work! it really gives you a great feeling i mis it so much that people are helping each other with that kind of great love, i am always trying to help.
When i was younger i was a Tomboy i played with boys toys weare boys clothes and almost pie like a boy ( ALMOST haha) than when i got a teenager i love the hiphop scene and i really went in the direction of being a streetchick, and the school i was on was with rich children with fancy brand clohtes everybody looks the same , not a lot cultures just all Dutch people so i was real shocking for my students haha. Later when i get over being the streetchick i went to do some photoshoot i always wanted to do a photoshoot but i was to insecure! but than i just went to do it and now i am really a girly girl haha people from years before don't even recognize me they are like, how come you where so tuff and now you are talking about your nails and heels hahah so that is very funny to hear.
If i see what kind of changes i make in life i am wondering what will happend about some years to come! sometimes when i am thinking it's like i am doing nothing in life than life is preparing you for all the things to come because sometimes you need that break. And if you are hoping for a lot things don't be scared and think you don't deserve the things you hope! if you are going for it than things will happend the energie will bring you there ! believe me. Not always but if you keep it in mind it will happend , or it will happend in a way you are happy with it at the end.