Если хочешь поймать дичь , лучше не спеши. Молчи и жди, ей наверняка станет любопытно, и она высунет нос.
Харпер Ли
Харпер Ли
You closed position and lost most of the profits ..
If yes - then patience is clearly not your strongest quality.
Patience - it's psychological quality of person. This concept is quite abstract. First, each person understanding of patience - own . Secondly, accurate measures of patience does not exist.
Suppose you tend to close positions on Forex ahead of time. This is a sign that you lack patience? Definitely! However, is this the real reason for untimely exit from the position? Of course not! Lack of patience - this is only a weed that grows on well-groomed grounds. In this case - because of the shortcomings of the trading strategy.
Very likely that the the applied strategy is unclear in matter when the position should be closed. That is, the strategy offers the trader a plan entry, leaving the question of exit. .
But it is important to understand that the lack of patience - it's just a symptom. It can be overcome, but it is better eliminate the cause of "disease". In this situation, the trader need to modify a trading strategy, clearly defining the rules for himself exit from the market. In this case, the risk to close a position ahead of time due to lack of patience is very low.
Trader's main task - to create all the conditions in order to minimize the influence of psychological factors. After all, the less reason for seething emotions remain a trader, the more efficient it becomes a trade. And that means more informed and considered decisions.
Cheers and good patience !!!