Today I saw a video on BBC channel about the British couple which is still together for 80 years. They´re now 101 and 102 years old.

They were dating for four years and then getting married, couldn’t earlier, because mother of the woman wanted her older daughter to get married first. She also didn´t believe this relationship could last.
The couple raised together four children, however lost one son… They have seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Moreover, they ran common business.

The couple was asked about the recipe for their long-lasting marriage

What was the answer of a woman?
She said that very important is being tolerant. Love each other and not to be hard on each other. Also, the ability to forgive and forget. And to give in a little when you should give in a little.

And the answer of a man?
To agree with his woman most of the time! It is so simple, isn´t it?

Maybe all of us deeply inside would like to have such a relationship / marriage, even people who say they don´t need any partner. I also think it´s possible, when both partners care and work on the relationship.

So, be tolerant, practice forgiveness and men, agree with your woman

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