I do love tattoo and piercing as it goes deep in too the ancient traditions, and an a weird art that lives as long as body is alive. I am getting joy to see well done tattoos or interesting piercing, but never felt like getting one. There is interesting tattoo traditions in Asia, I love it, and best piercing it`s of corse indian traditional piercing. I do not enjoy a mass tattoos that are too much the same and boring, I believe a tattoo master has to be something like a guru or a teacher or at least to be in a connect with a client. Like in Buddhist traditions there is a monk who decides wether you are ready or not to get a sacred tattoo.

Once I meet a really nice person with the most ugly tattoo ever, it was a badly made spider web on his whole arm, I felt pity, and told there is a tons ways to fix it. But a man just smiled and said, I was 18 when I got it, on a very silly reasons, but I don't fill like fixing it, as each morning I am seeing myself 18 again.

Freddy Corbin tattoo artist in India
Here is an interesting story of tattoo artist coming to India to tattoo decent ppl for free
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