Thank's Dukascopy Team for interesting Task.
As I wrote in my previous blog, the abilities of human are very wide and sometimes very powerful, but not everybody know how strong they are. I know that there are some people who maybe seem strange to others, but who really have some special gifts from God. Also there are some people who are only able to pretend that they have special gifts, but they are only charlatans. And sometimes it is really difficult recognize, who is who.
As for me, I only believe in myself and my family ( my close people), I believe in a Law of Attraction ( law of Gravity) - it affects our life - with a help of a Quantum Physicists's great discoveries and works we can realize how incredible is a power of our mind, I believe in a strong power, which manage us.
If to talk about astrology, horoscope or any fortune teller - I am not interested in all that, I never go to any fortune teller. I only believe in some dreams and premonitions - I had some in my life and it were really true.
The last one and quite funny dream, which came true, I had some month ago and it related with Ducascopy. I had a dream that one community member ( who never put any like me before) give me some likes. Maybe you will not believe me, but when i woke up in the morning and checked my page in Miss contest, I could hardly believe my eyes - that member, about whom I've just had a dream, give me some his likes....The whole day feeling was very strange, but it was true. At that time i wanted to write blog about it, but I thought that nobody believe me.....when yesterday i saw this Task, I decided to tell about it. Such prophetic dream which came true at once, after few hours....
I also had some other dreams during my life which came true, but its were not so funny and I don;t want to give negative emotions to you.
There is one thing in my life, related with premonition, which I will never forget and remember till I'm alive. It is really very hard to talk about it, but some years ago my husband had very serious operation. It all happened so suddenly and fast, that it seems like terrible dream now. 7 days before operation I could not eat, I could not sleep, I could not find a place for myself. It was so horrible! When the day of operation came, I went to a hospital early in the morning, accompanied my husband to a operating room and left to wait in a corridor. I was crying and crying and prying... After some time I came to a window ( the was an autumn and weather was cloudy and there was no sun in the sky - only grey gloomy sky). I closed my eyes and began to pray again....and suddenly after some time I saw with my closed eyes some bright light in front . I opened my eyes and saw that sun shined brightly and sky was blue! And I felt some strong power put on me - I began to feel calm and I had a feeling that everything will be OK. At that time the doctor came out of operation room and told me that everything is OK and in time....
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