Good evening,

I've spent few beautiful days in a homestead and thus the weather was not so good, but I had nice time.

Yesterday there was my son birthday - he is 8 years old now. That 8 years passed so fast, i remembered as well when 8 years ago I gave birth to him - he was born quite big baby - almost 4.5 kg. and was very quiet child and liked to eat a lot....
Yesterday we had nice party, my son got gifts he dream about and there was a lot of different wishes for him. We wished him strong health, to live a very long life, happiness, dreams will come true, excellent achievements in a future etc. The was a conversation about whom my son will dream to become in the future. My son is smart and very merciful boy. He learned to read, write and count himself long before he started to go to school, he is very creative, has nice voice and is very musical. He is karate boy and has some medals, just like his sister. He dreams to become inventor and invent elixir of youth and everlasting life. He dreams all people have their own home, there will be not any homeless animals, there will be not any war and there will be beautiful all around. He is really very interesting and not ordinary boy. He likes everything around should be beautiful and nice. So, we talked about all that and at the end, my father ( his grand father) told that no matter who will he be, the most important he will be good person. It is really true of life.

I wish my son strong health, long life, happiness and to be good person!
Sharing some pics of my son and video with a song of my son and my daughter. The song is from a film of my childhood and about wonderful future. "What have you done today for tomorrow?" -

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