Food is one of the most important parts of our life. As we all know, anyone should be alive without food. Different people need different quantity of food and like different food, have different tastes. For me and my family food is important, because it is one of the components of our health. I pay much attention to a food quality and try to prepare quite healthy dishes. But of course, as we all know, very often the most delicious dishes are not so healthy. And sometimes we allowed to ourself to eat not so healthy food ( go to McDonald's, Hesburger etc.), but very rare.
In a daily life I prefer home made food and try to prepare it healthy, delicious and from natural products. My family and people who know me, like my food and know that I prefer quality+healthy. For many years I use special Zepter ware for making food - there is possibility to make food without any fat or with a minimum water. Next thing which is important for me - fresh food. I never cook dishes for a few days - it is not healthy and not so delicious. Even such dishes as dumplings( I always make it myself) - I make only for one time to eat. I never put meat or fish to a freezer - I use only fresh. And of course, quality of food - also one of the most important. I choose only food of a good quality and always check expiration date.
Every day my family eat at least one dish of meat or fish, mostly beef, chicken or some kind of fish ( my family don't like any kind of fish, only salmon or sheatfish or pike). We eat pork very rarely and only lean. If to talk about me - I like sea food a lot - i can live without any meat, but I need some seafood. But not all my family like it, sometimes I eat seafood alone
Foe many years we have a habit to eat sushi once or twice a week - we like it a lot and I often buy sushi in a supermarket ( sometimes prepare myself, but rare). And of course, every day some milk products and vegetables and fruits. During summer time we try to it all fruits, berries and vegetables, which are growing here in Lithuania. Besides that, other fruits with are not grow here, but are very delicious....
All my family like to eat Chinese food - so, sometimes we go to a the same Chinese restaurant and have a dinner there.
Of course, like many other people, my family like sweets a lot - chocolate, cookies, pies, cakes, ice cream etc. I have some my special very delicious sweets, which I prepare myself sometimes. But my family always require to be some sweets at home always So, i buy it very often in a supermarket As my family is quite big, I often buy a lot of the same sweets, especially when there is some reductions of a price
Here in my photo collage you may see what I usually buy in a supermarket or in a market. I have a habit to go shopping to a some different places - i have a market where I always buy fresh and ecological meat, all the others I buy in a supermarkets and in summer time 3-4 times per week go to a market to buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

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