Anita is a young girl from Latvia. It is pretty hard for me to write something about her.
As time goes by, Anita has changed....

  • As a baby - Anita was the most smiling and calm baby.
  • In kindergarten - she was very quiet and tearful! She wasn't talking to anyone and often cried.
  • In primary school there was a drastic change, Anita became the most active prank maker / terrorist! Anita fight with the boys, didn't listen to teachers, disturb class and she was regular guest in director's room!
  • Elementary school...again..changes! Anita became calmer, but she could not live without the jokes. Anita was the soul of a company. She often talked in monologue and make all class laugh to tears. The day in class without Anita was boring!
  • High School - Anita lost faith in herself! Complexes, concluded person, calm, shy, and only sometimes from Anita breaks out something crazy and unexpected. Anita continued to make jokes and make others laugh, but only in the smaller company.
  • University - Anita is very serious and staid person. Focused on the goal and takes all very seriously. A lot of thoughts and philosophy. Only on weekends Anita becomes funny and feels freely and she is a soul of a small company.
Right now...
There are almost 3 years since University. At the moment I'm studying masters degree and I'm working in a state authority (I think that my primary school teacher would be shocked if she founds out that a terrorist is working in public office ).
I think, that by now I'm a bit of all mentioned above. Despite the fact that I was changing, I have always been friendly, nice, punctual, emotional, helpful, polite and empathetic.
I have very good sense of feeling other people - I understand them and see what they feel, think or want to hear. I can easily make them feel better. My friends always approached me for advice and I'm able to cheer, support and help them.
I draw attention and notice all the small details. I like observing, analyzing and advising. I am critical on myself - this I find hard for me, because everything has to be perfect.
I am always thinking 20 steps ahead! I'm not so good at languages, my strength is in numbers, logic and practice.
I think that I'm little more introverted. Therefore I'm not blogging a lot ...It is hard for me
I reflect on each step and every word ... it is difficult, but worthwhile.
It seems to me that in the past year I am on the threshold of change. I have remained a freer, more confident and more active.
In any case, whatever I was, I had always feel fun and I am happy about what I am, how I behave and where I am!

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