To be honest, I don't like the big cities. Though I live in such city - Moscow. When I find myself in the center of it on weekdays it is always crowded. And when you are going in the streets or in the metro, you have to evade other people who are hurrying for their own businesses. Other people look at hurrying ones from their sits in varios cafes and from the windows. There are many large business centers that have been built since earlier nineties. It seems to me that all big cities have their attractiveness. Interesting and beautiful streets, evening lights and so on. City dwellers always differ from inhabitants of provinces. Urban style of intercourse is a bit prompt due to a rapid pace of life as I think. However it's so delightful to breathe fresh air somewhere in the outskirts of a city than to smell carbon monoxide. To my opinion people that live in a village are more happy than the dwellers of a city but it's arguable though.