I had fallen in love with someone I met online. Even few times! I'm very online-amorous person obviously
But not all the stories had a happy end. In fact any of these stories had a good end. Otherwise I would be already married with children (or still without children but living somewhere near the ocean, meeting sunsets with my online love )

When I was 13 I went to my first blind date - actually it was not even a date - I've met with 14 years old guy, he lived almost the next door, but we met in the chat - mirc (do you remember? I loved that chat ).
And we have never seen each other before we went for a walk, because at that time there was no digital camera (at least in crual russian conditions we didn't have ) and I had no scanner. So it had to be blind (cos there was no other option). We just described how we looked like how we could.

The main thing was that I liked that guy, we spent lot of hours talking in the chat and I was in love. That moment I didn't care how he would like like, but I thought in any case I would like him as I liked his soul

It was winter. Day-time. 2000 year.

We met and just walked around the city, talked and there was nothing really special but he was doind stupid jokes all the time. Then we were passing his home and he offered to come for tea but I felt that better not to go there and I left home.
Few days after, a common friend of us told me that guy said that I was ugly

It's now I'm saying this with a smile, but that time it was a trategy! I've never went alone to any blind day again, then if it happened I always took a friend... And for a long time I thought that I'm not good looking.
It took many years to change this inside feeling.


Many years passed and I've registred on few dating sites. Once I've even met a guy with whom we dated for 6 months. The problem is that for most of men sites are for something not serious.. and once they reach 40-60 age they tend to look for true love among much younger women
At least it's nice to visit such sites sometimes - to read compliments, haha.

P.S. My first story is quite big, congratulations if you read it to the end

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