I know that some of you already know me from Miss 2013, but for these who don't know me I will tell a short story about me.
I think that I'm one of the oldest participants - almost 40 years old ( 40 will be in April), but I never hide my age. All my years is mine and I'm happy with all its. I see that there are many beautiful, smart and young girls here and I don't hope to win main prizes I'm realist and don't like to biult sand castles It would be nice for me to win some money for my live account - additional money is always good!
So, my story began almost 40 years ago in Vilnius (the capital of Lithuania), where I was born and still live there. I am more than half Russian, the other part is Lithuanian My parrents were a litte lazy and have only one child - me and till now I'm a little sad with it - I always dreamt about sister or brother.....At shcool I was excellent pupil - all subjects were very easy to me. At the same time I played the piano for 7 years and for me it was enough, thus I was excellent piano player, I didn't want to continue my future with a music. I have medical education and graduated Technical University and have Economy and International Management diploma.
I have three wonderful children and the best husband and I can breavely say that I'm very rich woman - i have the bigest treasure I could ever dream about - my Family! They are the most important people in my life. We try to spend as much as we can our free time together and we all know that we are all in one . I favor what is real and natural and I don't like artifical people who put on beautiful masks and are really empty inside. I'm simple, always open to others and ready to help the others who need a help. I know for sure, that all good jobs we've ever done will come back to us sooner or later and we don't need to wait for a gratitude. We just need to do it with love and from a heart.
I've worked at the biggest telecommunications company in Lithuania for more than 14 years - it was prestigious and good work. When I gave birth to my second daughter I took Mother's holiday and some years after that, when was born my 3 child - my son, I finally decided not to come back to the work. Simply I felt that my mission at that time was to stay with my children, educate them, take care of my family, give them all the best as much as i can. That decision changed my life and there was no one moment or blink when I could be sorry for that. There is no such money in the World wich could buy the time we spend with our children and family. Children grow up so quickly and we will never get back a time when they were little kids.... I'm so grateful to my husband for such possibilities, because at that time he was only one who earned money for family. Nobody helped us, all we have in life, we earned ourself without any help . And now, when time passed, I think that if I would get back to the work, I would not met FX and I would not start to trade....
Sometimes when I catch inspire I create some lovely things - you may see its in my short video.
And for the end, the most important for me internal things:
  • Nice soul = Nice appearance. No matter if people young or old, slim or fat, black or white, rich or poor - if she/he has nice soul she/he will be always beautiful.
  • Be Yoursef, no matter what other say! Don't lie to yourself ! Respect yourself, respect others, respect all around! We are all in one, we are part of the same Univerce.
  • If you do anything - do it with Love! Love is a strong power and always will help in any situation.
All of that I'm teaching my children day after day. And the best evaluation for me like for mother, is their teacher's gratitude for such good children.
I've made a short video about me and choose the music, created and played by my father ( he is professional musician). I know that some of you already heard that music, but don't be angry with me I think, that in this case, when I'm telling my story, music of my father fits the best.

Thank you for your attention and for your time!

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