What goes inside the Mind of a trader is directly related to the success or failure of a trader. Charts matter, Edge matters , Timing matters , Understanding your Market matters.... but the commonly under estimated thing in my opinion is "Frame of mind". As a trader we need to be mindful of our mental state and if we don't feel 100% in the correct state of mind, we should walk away from the trade.

Quotes from: Trading Rules That Work, Jason Janovsky:

"We must rise above the average thinking process coming from an unregenerate mind. We must study our own thinking and behavior to recognize when it is destructive or profitable. When we see the herd choosing to behave destructively we have the opportunity to behave profitably. Because the market is a crowd, a group, and a herd, it will never function from anything except the sum total of the individuals’ behavior—and that is always at the lower end of the spectrum as long as the group is made of people who can’t see they are destructive. Most traders have net losses because they think and behave very similarly to every other member of the group. When a trader chooses to think and behave differently, he is the only one available for new information about the structure of the group. This difference comes from self-analyzing your thinking and dissecting your behavior until you see clearly how you are performing exactly like the crowd or in some other unique manner. Once you know this difference, and it doesn’t have to be by a wide margin, you will finally buy weakness and sell strength often enough to win."
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