Donald Trump achieves the unlikely and will be the 45th President of the USA

Yes folks ,like it or not we have a new leader of the Western world and markets are already running around like a mad dog after it's own tail.
From here it's all guess work and no one will have a definitive answer, not even Trump himself whatever plans/schemes and automobiles he may be working on.
One thought I did have niggling away in the background in the lead up was whether the Fed would raise rates in Dec as widely expected. I wasn't so sure and still have that view but with Trump's blatant criticism of Yellen might she now just jack up rates in spite as a leaving present?
Either way I think the turmoil should continue to put a cap on equities and keep a demand for the chosen safe-havens of CHF and JPY although as we saw in early Asia we can't rule out the euro finding favour again too.
But as this global protest movement continues ( Brexit, Leicester City winning the Premier League to name just two!) then attention/focus will turn to the Italian referendum on the euro next month and the stability of the EU in general.
I'm still bearish for the pound overall in any scenario until something on Brexit changes my mind but I'm thinking even the Teflon-coated euro may find some sell interest.
Either way, as usual, let's not get too carried with pre-empting. We are a long way yet from knowing how this is all going to play out.
They say the trend is your friend and right now the trend is confusion. Not a great one to follow so if in doubt stay out.
Remember you don't have to deal all day every day. The algo-robots don't so why should mere mortals like us feel the need/craving/obsession to do so ? Was different in my interbank/market-making days but that was a long time ago. Humans were pro-active but robots are merely reactive
Take a chill pill and see what transpires if you're not sure right now. There'll be plenty of opportunities down the road. Forex is fickle as fickle can be. Has been ever thus and it's not going to change any time soon.
Into the great wide open, and unknown, methinks.

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