
While EURUSD pair is consolidating pre ECB rate decision tomorrow, we should not foget about Draghi speech as well today, which could give some momentum for move . Therefore what to expect from Draghi and ECB ? As last actions from ECB in March was wider then expected, I would not expect any significant changes this time, as ECB will like to have some time yet to pass to see if the measures applied gives result. At the same time March decisions have not given any result by now due to Yellen dovishnes and as well Draghi itselve , where his anouncment of not more lowering the rates was taken by market as promise. Thats way in mine opinion Draghi will take steps to ease EUR, while at the same time those actions will be rather explanatory of previous actions and insight on possible next steps.
Therefore it is imortant to listen every sentence from Draghi today and tomorrow, as it could be not only to lows, but as well to highs, while for smart person repeating same mistake as in March would be not anymore excuse. Therfore prepare your parachutes as more viable direction from Draghi effect.

Good luck with trades!
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