The week after US employment blues...

The week after the US employment week is generally speaking a dud of a week. When you add the Fed meeting that came and went this week, it is almost not worth getting up in the morning. Just kidding. Nevertheless, the US calendar is light.

  1. Canada Employment report. Friday 8:30 AM ET/1330 GMT. Canada employment report is expected to show zero net change in employment after a 46.1K increase in December. The Unemployment rate is expected to remain at 6.9%.
  2. RBA rate decision. Monday 10:30 PM ET/Tuesday 0330 GMT. No change is expected at 1.5%. This week the AUDUSD was boosted by better record surplus trade data.
  3. RBNZ rate decision. Wednesday, 3 PM ET/2000 GMT. The RBNZ will announce no change in their policy at 1.75%. The announcement will be accompanied by their interest rate statement. At 4 PM ET/2100 GMT, Gov. Wheeler will conduct a press confernence
  4. UK Manufacturing production. Friday, 4:30 AM ET/0930 GMT. The expectations is for +0.3% increase vs 1.3% last month
  5. US trade balance. Tuesday 8:30 AM ET/1330 GMT. The US Trade Balance will be released on Tuesday with expectations of -45B. This would be little changed from the prior month.
Have nice weekend!
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