Listen to this rhetoric from the UK Prime Minister

Theresa May today said "change has got to come" to Britain and that she's going to make it.

The location of the comments made a statement too. It wasn't a an organized labor meeting or to students, she spoke at the Conservative Party conference; suggesting it's a real priority.

"If you're a boss who earns a fortune but doesn't look after your staff; an international company that treats tax laws as an optional extra; a household name that refuses to work with the authorities even to fight terrorism; a director who takes out massive dividends while knowing that the company pension is about to go bust, I'm putting you on warning: this can't go on anymore," May said.

She framed the Brexit vote as not only a protest against immigration and the EU, but about the way the power in the country works.

"Today too many people in positions of power behave as though they have more in common with international elites than with the people down the road, the people they employ, the people they pass on the streets ... A change has got to come and this party is going to make it."

via Bloomberg
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