In the week ahead we have month-end, quarter-end and in Japan also fiscal-year-end, plus Good Friday holiday. With quite heavy calendar to boot, that promises lively action with a lot of volatility.

List of potential high impact events (times GMT+1):

30.03.2015 ---------- ALLDAY ------ EUR ---------- German Prelim CPI m/m
30.03.2015 ---------- 16:00 ---------- USD ---------- Pending Home Sales m/m

31.03.2015 ---------- 02:00 ---------- NZD ---------- ANZ Business Confidence
31.03.2015 ---------- 09:55 ---------- EUR ---------- German Unemployment Change
31.03.2015 ---------- 10:30 ---------- GBP ---------- Final GDP q/q
31.03.2015 ---------- 10:30 ---------- GBP ---------- Final GDP y/y
31.03.2015 ---------- 10:30 ---------- GBP ---------- Current Account
31.03.2015 ---------- 11:00 ---------- EUR ---------- CPI Flash Estimate y/y
31.03.2015 ---------- 14:30 ---------- CAD ---------- GDP m/m
31.03.2015 ---------- 16:00 ---------- USD ---------- CB Consumer Confidence

01.04.2015 ---------- 01:50 ---------- JPY ---------- Tankan Manufacturing Index
01.04.2015 ---------- 01:50 ---------- JPY ---------- Tankan Non-Manufacturing Index
01.04.2015 ---------- 03:00 ---------- CNY ---------- Manufacturing PMI
01.04.2015 ---------- 03:45 ---------- CNY ---------- HSBC Final Manufacturing PMI
01.04.2015 ---------- 09:55 ---------- EUR ---------- German Manufacturing PMI
01.04.2015 ---------- 10:30 ---------- GBP ---------- Manufacturing PMI
01.04.2015 ---------- 14:15 ---------- USD ---------- ADP Non-Farm Employment Change
01.04.2015 ---------- 16:00 ---------- USD ---------- ISM Manufacturing PMI
01.04.2015 ---------- ??:?? ---------- NZD ---------- GDT Price Index

02.04.2015 ---------- 02:30 ---------- AUD ---------- Trade Balance
02.04.2015 ---------- 10:30 ---------- GBP ---------- Construction PMI
02.04.2015 ---------- 14:30 ---------- USD ---------- Trade Balance
02.04.2015 ---------- 14:30 ---------- USD ---------- Unemployment Claims
02.04.2015 ---------- 14:30 ---------- CAD ---------- Trade Balance

03.04.2015 ---------- ALLDAY ------ AUD ---------- Bank Holiday
03.04.2015 ---------- ALLDAY ------ NZD ---------- Bank Holiday
03.04.2015 ---------- ALLDAY ------ EUR ---------- German Bank Holiday
03.04.2015 ---------- ALLDAY ------ CHF ---------- Bank Holiday
03.04.2015 ---------- ALLDAY ------ GBP ---------- Bank Holiday
03.04.2015 ---------- ALLDAY ------ CAD ---------- Bank Holiday
03.04.2015 ---------- 14:30 ---------- USD ---------- Non-Farm Employment Change
03.04.2015 ---------- 14:30 ---------- USD ---------- Unemployment Rate
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