The last few days have been killing me

I have been staring at the screen hours on end - in disbelief
My back hurts, I have a hangover from drinking too much - I am a wreck
These are not my favorite trading days - something to change in the future, I guess

I can not believe the price action in Nzd - it is up and then more up
Do these people not know that a rate cut is coming?

Anyway, the laugh is on me - I thought that I was doing great this month,
but this goes to show that you never know

Actually this is a classic mistake in trading that I make:
Unwavering and stubborn belief that you are right and the price will turn your way
while meanwhile you lose all your money
I should try and learn from this too - accept a loss sometimes, step back and wait would have been better

Now I have 85K left and - sorry - but I don't care anymore
I have given my best this month - i am shorting Nzd
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