Its another FOMC day, and there is a lot of anticipation. After the markets have been ranging for so long ( i am refering to the EURUSD), time for some major activity.
Everyone is still waiting for most gist on the QE tapering. Some top official (i cant remember his name now) in the BOE made a comment that QE would no longer be needed for the GBP. This is a strong piece of info, it signals a potential GBP rally in the next couple of weeks or months.
The dollar has been looking strong all day, lets see how things look after the FOMC minutes are released. Maybe we could see one of them 200pips move. That would be a sight!
Everyone is still waiting for most gist on the QE tapering. Some top official (i cant remember his name now) in the BOE made a comment that QE would no longer be needed for the GBP. This is a strong piece of info, it signals a potential GBP rally in the next couple of weeks or months.
The dollar has been looking strong all day, lets see how things look after the FOMC minutes are released. Maybe we could see one of them 200pips move. That would be a sight!