Wersja: | Date: | Status: | Opis: | ||
3 | 14.03.2018 | Executed | Pobierz | ||
2 | 13.03.2018 | Not running | Pobierz | ||
1 | 21.02.2018 | Executed | Exciting moving average of 9 (MME9) falling, I expect it to TURN UP (in closed candle). MAXIMUM mark of candle that made the upset occur. In the next candle, upon breaking this maxim, I make the entrance (purchase). It exceeded 1 centavo the maximum we will have the entrance. If you do not break the next candle and the MME9 keeps climbing, the entry is still valid. If the average turn down the setup is unconfigured. Stop-loss in the minimum of the candle where we set the maximum. In some situations I place in the smallest of the minimum or previous fund. After the purchase we conducted the trade for the MME9, that is, until it turned down and the candle that caused this turn to lose the minimum. End of operation. | Pobierz |